Friday,  09/20/2024

The appeal for national resistance – the Immortal epic

76 years ago, on December 19, 1946, President Ho Chi Minh issued the “The appeal for the National Resistance”, to encourage the fighting spirit of the entire people and our entire army against the invading enemy. That appeal has been engraved in the hearts of every Vietnamese people today, its historical significance and epochal stature are still valid.

Immediately after gaining independence, the country faced many difficulties and challenges. According to the agreement between the victorious allies, Chiang Kai-shek’s army moved to the North, and the British (followed by the French) moved to the South, tasked with disarming the Japanese army (taking the 16th parallel as the boundary). At this time, our nation is in a situation of “thousands of pounds hanging by a hair”, having to deal with many enemies at the same time. In such circumstances, it is imperative that our people take up arms to wage a resistance war against the invading French colonialists to protect the revolutionary achievements.

Responding to President Ho Chi Minh’s “The appeal for national resistance”, the army and people of the capital stood up to fight with the spirit of “Determining to die for the Fatherland and fight for life”.

On December 19, 1946, President Ho Chi Minh issued the “The appeal for national resistance “. The appeal for action reads: “We want peace, we have to make concessions. But the more we make concessions, the more the French colonialists encroach on us because they want to take over our country again. No! We are better off sacrificing everything than losing our country and becoming slaves!” That affirmation is the crystallization of our nation’s thousands of years of history of nation building and defense, a continuation of the will “The entire Vietnamese nation is determined to put all its spirit, force, life and wealth to maintain freedom and independence” was affirmed by him in the Declaration of Independence. It is the “The Exhortation of country” calling on the entire Party, people and army to unite to stand up against the French colonialists.

Obeying the orders of the Party Central Committee and the General Command, our army and people from the cities and towns occupied by the French army simultaneously opened fire to attack the enemy, especially in big cities. Right in the capital Hanoi, with the spirit of “Determined to Brave Death for the Survival of the Fatherland” of our compatriots, our soldiers steadfastly held on to each other, fighting with the enemy in every house and street corner. Together with Hanoi, our army and people throughout the North – Central – South have bravely stood up against the French colonialists. The whole nation joined forces and united with the boiling will and the belief that victory is inevitable. On the other hand, the Party and Central Committee launched the movement “Southern advance”, supported the Southern resistance war, sent tens of thousands of cadres and soldiers to the South to fight, contributing to the defeat of the plot of “fighting quickly, winning quickly” of the enemy. If you don’t accept the fight against the French colonialists, you will lose your newly won independence and freedom, which “Independence and freedom cannot be obtained by begging”.

76 years have passed, we are more deeply and comprehensively aware of the policy of launching the national resistance war. The Party and Government led by President Ho Chi Minh have made right and creative decisions, that is to gradually eliminate enemies, take advantage of time, and prepare potentials to enter the 30-year long march of national liberation and defense of the Fatherland. Simultaneously, a general election was held to elect the National Assembly and the People’s Council in order to strengthen the revolutionary government and build the foundation for the new regime. We launched an emulation movement to increase production and eliminate all unreasonable taxes; to reduce rents, redistribute public fields, confiscate land from the empire and the Vietnamese to distribute to poor farmers; open popular academic classes, call the whole people to participate in the movement to eliminate illiteracy; build “Independence Fund” and “Golden Week” movement to mobilize voluntary contributions of the People… Thanks to that, in just a short time, we have basically eliminated the “the hunger”, “the illiteral”, solved financial difficulties, and gradually increased strength in defense and security.

Uncle Ho’s memoir. Photo: Documentation

With the ingenious leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, our army and people have won glorious victories, defeating two great empires, bringing independence and territorial integrity to the country. Successfully implementing the words of President Ho Chi Minh who affirmed: “Despite the hardships of the resistance, with a determined sacrifice, a certain victory for our nation”.

Experiencing the history and traditions of the nation, continuing the spirit of the poem “Mountains and Rivers of the Southern Country'” of the Ly Dynasty; “The Exhortation to the Military Generals” of the Tran dynasty; “The great proclamation upon the pacification of the Wu” during the Le dynasty… “The appeal for national resistance” of President Ho Chi Minh is an immortal epic, containing the ideological values of the times; It is an encouraging word to encourage the whole country to stand up and fight against the enemy with a firm and decisive attitude. The appeal is also a highly generalized resistance program, containing views on the people’s war line, the whole people fighting the enemy and affirming absolute belief in the final victory of the resistance war.

Issueing the appeal for national resistance at the alleys of Hanoi capital. Photo: Documentation

That divine appeal  resounded in the distant past, although it has been 76 years, our country has undergone many great political events and made great strides, but so far, it still shows the spirit and wishes of the whole nation. It is even more valuable when President Ho Chi Minh’s draft “Appeal for the National Resistance” became a work recognized as a “national treasure”. It is a guideline for all revolutionary actions of the Vietnamese people in general and of the Party Committee, army and people of Lang Son in particular, vowed to remain loyal to the Party’s leadership for the revolutionary cause. Firmly maintaining the goal and ideal of national independence associated with socialism, raising vigilance, and resolutely fighting against distorting claims of hostile forces.

The 76th anniversary of the National Resistance Day (December 19) is an opportunity for the entire Party, army and people to review the profound lessons of history, promote the spirit of national unity, teamwork, together to create a great motivation for the cause of building and defending the socialist Vietnamese Fatherland.