Friday,  09/20/2024

Women of Xu Lang practice thrift following Uncle Ho’s example

With the motto “learn and follow Uncle Ho in the simplest deeds”, over the past time, all levels of women’s unions in the province have learned the thrift from Uncle, which is applied in practical models. This has helped many members overcome difficulties and stabilize their lives.

Practicing thrift following Uncle Ho’s example, each member of the Women’s Union in Dong Tien village, Hoa Son commune, Huu Lung district saves 100,000 VND/year. Up to now, their savings fund has reached nearly 80 million VND, which is offered to members to borrow without interest. With this model, the union received a certificate of merit from the Chairman of the District People’s Committee for its excellent achievements in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style in 2022. Ms. Duong Thi Hang, Head of the Women’s Union of Dong Tien village said: “The union has 87 members. Savings following Uncle Ho’s example have been implemented since 2015. From savings, each year, the union lends interest-free loans to 4 to 6 members. The union strictly reviews and controls borrowers and loan purposes, mainly helps poor, near-poor and difficult members to buy plants, seeds and agricultural materials for production development.

Officials of the Provincial Women’s Union raise piggy banks following Uncle Ho’s example

The above is just a typical model of savings following Uncle Ho’s among women’s unions at all levels across the province. Up to now, the whole province has more than 500 union branches practicing thrift with an amount of over 1.5 billion VND; At the same time, unions at all levels maintain and develop 4,000 saving models. Ms. Truong Thi Hao, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial Women’s Union said: “Determining the meaning of studying, following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style, we have asked all levels of union to actively implement the models. In which, the highlight is the study of Uncle Ho’s thrifty. Currently, models are growing in both quantity and quality.”

Accordingly, unions at all levels maintain savings models following Uncle Ho’s example in many ways such as saving piggy bank, rice jars of love, collecting scraps, saving through loan groups… The amount of money saved at all levels of union is used effectively in supporting poor members, providing interest-free loans, helping disadvantaged families, performing social welfare work, etc.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai Van, Chairwoman of the Women’s Union in Dong Dang town, Cao Loc district, said: “Following Uncle Ho’s example, we have encouraged our officials and members to practice thrift. Depending on their position and job, women promote the virtue of thrift from their family to their workplace. Currently, all 7 unions have savings models. Notably, the union implemented the “Green House” model under the guidance of the District Women’s Union to collect scraps of their family to sell and raise funds for social welfare. In 2022, the model has collected over 3 million VND, supporting 14 disadvantaged students in the area. At the same time, we maintain savings at 3 loan groups, with a total savings balance of more than 400 million VND.”

In order to spread these savings models, the union has promoted information about them on the website of the Provincial Women’s Union, social networks, praised and rewarded typical examples in studying and following Uncle Ho. For example, in 2022, 100% of unions at all levels provided information on studying and following Uncle Ho, attracting over 85% of members; Provincial Women’s Union awarded certificates of merit to 12 units and 28 individuals with achievements in “Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality and style” in 2022; There were 6 typical female, 28 models of good practices in studying and following Uncle Ho posted on the mass media of the central and provincial governments.

It can be affirmed that the models of women practicing thrift following Uncle Ho’s example are increasingly effective and spreading in the community. Thereby, it contributes to help poor members to gain income and build a happy family. For example, in 2022, all levels of unions have helped more than 400 households get out of poverty (exceed the target of 3.7%), some of them were supported by savings models.