Friday,  09/20/2024

Briefing on the implementation of Regulation No.11: Actively receiving people, regularly listening to the wishes of the People

On the afternoon of March 29, the Provincial Party Committee held a briefing conference in the first quarter of 2023 on the implementation of Regulation No. 11-QDi/TW dated February 18, 2019 of the Politburo on the responsibilities of the head of the Party Committee in receiving the people, having direct dialogues with the people and handling the people’s complaints and petitions (Regulation No. 11). Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee chaired the conference.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee delivered a speech at the conference’s conclusion

At the conference, Mr. Doan Thanh Son, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Internal Affairs Committee of the Provincial Party Committee presented a draft report on the situation and results of leadership, direction and organization of citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations in the first quarter of 2023.

Specifically, in the first quarter of 2023, party committees and heads of party committees at all levels, heads of a number of provincial-level sectors have paid attention to leading and closely directing the implementation of the work of receiving people, having direct dialogues with the people and handling the people’s complaints and recommendations in accordance with Regulation No.11 and other relevant documents under the direction of superiors.

In the province, there were no complicated cases of security and order, the number of citizens coming to administrative agencies to complain, denounce and petition decreased by 30.1% compared to the same period in 2022. Regarding the reception of citizens, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee received 3 turns of citizens; secretaries of district and city party committees received 8 turns of citizens; commune-level secretary received 49 turns of citizens. The administrative agencies in the province have received 95 complaints and denunciations, decreased by 8.65% compared to the same period in 2022, of which 27/41 petitions have been resolved (within handling competence), reached 68, 5%…

However, in some areas, agencies have cases, the work has not drastically resolved the contents of petitions, complaints, complaints and denunciations within their competence; The time limit for settlement is still long, making citizens angry, giving rise to complaints, denunciations and requests…

Delegates listened to the draft report on the situation and results of leadership, direction and organization of citizen reception, complaint and denunciation settlement in the first quarter of 2023.

During the conference, the delegates discussed and reported on progress and settlement of complicated cases and lengthy petitions; clarified the causes of limitations, proposed recommendations, gave learned experience to improve the quality of citizen reception, settlement of letters, complaints and denunciations, dialogue with local citizens. In which, the discussion focused on solutions, experiences learned such as improving the roles and responsibilities of officials and civil servants in receiving citizens, solving complaints and denunciations; strengthen the propaganda and mobilization of the People to well implement the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; focused on conciliation at grassroots level; improved inspection and supervision of the implementation of Regulation No.11 at the grassroots level…

Concluding the conference, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee suggested: In the coming time, secretaries of Party committees at all levels, party organizations, authorities, agencies and units will continue to thoroughly and effectively implement the directives, resolutions, regulations and directing documents of the Central and provincial levels on citizen reception and settlement of complaints and denunciations; actively receive citizens regularly, listen to people’s thoughts, aspirations and problems to solve together, not to let hostile forces take advantage of propaganda, distort, sabotage.

He suggested that the district and city party committees focus on and proactively check and review the process of receiving citizens of district and commune secretaries, the information, propaganda and posting of the citizen reception schedule and citizen reception contents of the party secretary; well implement the regulations on democracy at the grassroots level, publicly ask for opinions of the People when implementing planning and investment. . At the same time, he directed the district-level People’s Committee to review and settle the contents under their authority in accordance with regulations, not to prolong; proactively propose to the Provincial People’s Committee and provincial agencies the contents within the province’s settlement competence or problems to ensure timely settlement of the People’s recommendations and complains; continue to review and direct the development of plans and programs, and assign specific tasks to each agency and unit in the political system to promote the role of propaganda and mobilizing the people to abide by the guidelines, policies of the Party, laws of the State, policies of the province.