Friday,  09/20/2024

Full-time deputies discuss bills to be debated at NA’s fifth session

National Assembly (NA) Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue chaired a NA full-time deputies’ meeting to discuss a number of issues to be debated at the NA’s upcoming fifth session.
Full-time deputies discuss bills to be debated at NA’s fifth session hinh anh 1An overview of the meeting (Photo: VNA)

The Chairman said that since the beginning of the tenure, the 15th NA has adopted 16 laws and 21 resolutions with high consensus.

He said that law-building will be a focal point of the upcoming fifth session, during which a large number of large-scale and important bills will be debated and approved.

Full-time deputies discuss bills to be debated at NA’s fifth session hinh anh 2National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue addresses the meeting (Photo: VNA)

He asked the deputies to focus on seven bills, six of which will be discussed at the fifth session – the Cooperative Law (revised), Bidding Law (revised), Law on Protection of Consumer Rights (revised), Price Law (revised), Law on Electronic Transactions (revised), and Law on Civil Defence (revised). The draft Land Law (revised) will be left for the sixth session.

During its 20th and 21st sessions, the NA Standing Committee gave opinions on the six bills, he said, adding that the drafting and verification agencies have so far agreed on the majority of key contents of the bills.

For the draft revised Land Law, about 11.5 million ideas have been to date gathered from people from all walks of life, he noted, asking the deputies to continue to discuss major issues of the bill, including the viewpoints on the rights and responsibilities of the State and citizens on land, and the rights and obligations of land users, among others./.
