Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial leader meet to commend and reward athletes with high achievements at the 32nd SEA Games

On the afternoon of May 22, the Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to commend and reward athlete Nong Van Huu who achieved excellent results at the 32nd SEA Games.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

Attending the meeting were Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of the Fatherland Front Committee and leaders of departments and sectors of the province.

At the 32nd Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) held in Cambodia, athlete Nong Van Huu competed in three Wushu disciplines, including namquan, nandao, and nangun. During the competition from May 10 to 12, athlete Nong Van Huu won 1 gold and 1 bronze medal. Thereby, he contributed to bringing the Vietnamese sports delegation to the top of the medal table at the 32nd SEA Games. This is also the second time athlete Nong Van Huu attended the SEA Games. At the 31st SEA Games held in Vietnam, Nong Van Huu won 2 bronze medals.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee presented a certificate of merit to athlete Nong Van Huu

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee recognized and praised athlete Nong Van Huu for his achievements at the 32nd SEA Games. He wished that athlete Nong Van Huu and other athletes of the province with the guidance of the coaches would continue to promote the spirit “Overcome yourself”, “win without ego, defeat without discouragement”, maintain the will, determination and efforts in competing in sports tournaments in the near future, in the immediate future is the 19th Asian Games – ASIAD held in Hangzhou (China) and National Youth Karate Championship hosted by Lang Son in 2023.

He also suggested all levels and sectors to well implement mechanisms and policies on sports; continue to improve the activities of federations, associations and sports clubs, thereby discovering and fostering sports talents, contributing to bringing sports in the province to higher achievements.

Athlete Nong Van Huu spoke at the meeting

At the meeting, athlete Nong Van Huu expressed his gratitude to the province’s attention, the guidance of the coaches, the encouragement of the family and the audience during practice and competition. Athlete Nong Van Huu promised to continue to strive for higher achievements in the future to bring glory to the province and the country.

Leaders of Cao Loc District People’s Committee awarded prizes to athlete Nong Van Huu

On this occasion, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, the representative of the provincial Labor Confederation presented a certificate of merit to athlete Nong Van Huu with excellent achievements at the 32nd SEA Games. At the same time, a number of agencies and units in the province also gave encouragement flowers and awarded cash prizes to athlete Nong Van Huu.

Athlete Huu was born in 1999, in Thach Khuyen village, Xuat Le commune, Cao Loc district. In 2011, he was admitted to the Wushu gifted class of the Provincial Sports Competition and Training Center. Since then, athlete Nong Van Huu has made many contributions to high-achieving sports in the province and the country.