Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son City: Excitedly emulating to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day

These days, the Party Committee, government and people of Lang Son city are trying their best to create achievements to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Lang Son Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day (June 15, 1933 – June 15, 2023). Emulation activities create momentum for the city to achieve important results in the pivotal year of implementing the resolutions of the Party congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term.

Considering the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day as an extensive political activity, the Party Committee and government of Lang Son city soon launched a special emulation movement to celebrate this important day. The launch of the emulation movement has created a strong spillover effect, creating a new atmosphere to help all cadres, party members and people in the area to try their best in gaining good working results for the emulation.

Practical emulation activities

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day, on February 24, 2023, Lang Son City Party Committee issued Plan No. 150-KH/TU on organizing activities to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day; direct the promotion of emulation movements associated with the implementation of key tasks.

Lang Son city gradually focuses on developing urban infrastructure

Ms. Hoang Minh Thao, Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the City Party Committee, said that from March 2023, the City Party Committee had directed its Party cells and Party committees to organize political activities with the theme “Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day” in association with activities of Part cells on specific topics, to organize cultural and artistic activities, activities to learn about revolutionary history of the nation, etc. Additionally, it implemented specific and practical works and tasks to create momentum and promote the emulation movement among officials, party members and people in the city.

In addition, over the past time, Party cells and committees under the City Party Committee have focused on implementing Party building and political system building. Specifically, from the beginning of May 2023, the Party committees of communes and wards have successfully organized the contest for the best party secretary at the grassroots level and that at city-level in 2023 is about to come; they have paid attention to building a model of “friendly government” at the grassroots level…

Moreover, the City People’s Committee issued Plan No. 129/KH-UBND to launch a special emulation movement to gain achievements celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day. Accordingly, emulation movements focused on specific tasks such as implementing and accelerating the progress of key works and projects; new rural development; accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital; strengthening investment in infrastructure; effectively implementing of public administrative reform; promoting efficient production and business activities…

In order to realize Plan 129, each specialized division, boards, communes and wards selects 1-3 specific tasks to implement.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Sen, Director of Lang Son City Management Board of Construction Investment Project, said that in 2023, the Board was assigned by the City People’s Committee to act as the investor of 38 projects with a total planned capital of nearly 234 billion VND. In order to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day, the Board set the goal of “accelerating” the implementation of a number of projects in order to complete them on the occasion of the anniversary (June 15, 2023). Specifically, it focused on completing the construction of the park at the south of 17/10 bridge and the project of renovating and upgrading public lighting with smart energy-saving LED lights before June 15 with the aim of attaching decoration panel. In addition to these two projects, the Board and construction units accelerated the construction of 12 other projects with the goal of completing by the end of 2023.

The Division of Natural Resources and Environment and the Land Fund Development Center of Lang Son city and the governments of the wards and communes… have also set the goal of completing the site clearance to hand over 100% of the site to investors before June 15, 2023. Mr. Tran Duc Tho, Director of Lang Son City Land Fund Development Center said: “At this time, the center has been focusing on implementing site clearance work. Up to now, there are a number of projects such as renovating and expanding Ba Trieu street (section Ly Thai To – Nguyen Dinh Chieu); Ben Bac new urban area… the volume of ground clearance has reached more than 90%, we strive to complete 100% of them by June 15 to hand them over to investors.”

Together with the above two units, agencies, units, wards and communes of Lang Son city have registered and implemented practical and specific tasks with the goal of gaining achievements to celebrate 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day.

Mr. Hoang Van Canh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hoang Dong Commune shared: “In 2023, the City People’s Committee assigned us the task of completing a model new rural commune. Therefore, from the beginning of 2023, the commune has set a goal to meet the criteria of a model new rural commune in the most outstanding fields before June 15. Accordingly, up to now, people in the area have donated land to widen the main roads in Tang Kham, Na Sen, Ban Vien, Chi Mac villages, it is expected that the widening of main traffic route in these villages will be completed before June 15. At the same time, the commune focused on building new cultural houses and sports fields in Hoang Thanh village and sports fields in the Na Pan, Hoang Tan, Hoang Tam villages; building drainage system in Doi Che, Hoang Tam villages…”

Towards a common goal

In 2023, the target of Lang Son city is 11-12% growth in a number of key economic sectors; nearly 2.9 million tourists; 400 billion VND of domestic revenue; 2 model villages and 6 model residential areas; 8/8 communes and wards meeting the national set of criteria on commune health; the rate of poor households decreasing by 0.2%; 230 new party members or more; 90% of grassroots party organizations with successful completion of tasks or more (20% of them achieve excellent completion of tasks)…

Construction and embellishment of the park in the area of Lang Son city

Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son city Nguyen Van Hanh said: “The implementation of tasks according to each task group in the emulation to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day will create momentum for the city to achieve and exceed the targets and tasks set out from the beginning of 2023. Currently, specialized divisions, boards and authorities of wards and communes have been implementing drastic measures to promote the development of trade and services. In which, relevant units will integrate tourism activities into the promotion of commercial activities in the city, especially focusing on implementing the night economy development project; implementing solutions to improve the business investment environment to continue to attract more investment capital from businesses into the city’s economic development…”

According to the Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son City, Plan No. 150 of the City Party Committee and Plan No. 129 of the People’s Committee of Lang Son specified each issue associated with the task of each agency or unit. Therefore, the emulation movement to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day has promoted the positivity, initiative and creativity of cadres, civil servants, public employees and people in the province with the goal of exceeding the targets, the plan of 2023.

Mr. Luong Dinh Chung, Secretary of the Lang Son City Youth Union shared: “To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day as well as to implement the tasks in 2023, the City Youth Union has been focusing on activities for children from the beginning of June 2023, in which, organizing 6 free swimming lessons for children from 6-15 years old. At the same time, we have clean our offices and some main roads in the city and raised fund to support start-ups of young people…”

Through the tasks that have been implemented, it can be seen that the emulation movement to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day not only stops at the peak period but also creates a competitive spirit to successfully achieve the goals in the Resolution of the 23rd City Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term.

The implementation and of tasks at this time is for the effective implementation of Resolution No. 40-NQ/TU dated August 5, 2021 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on construction and development of Lang Son city in the period 2021 – 2030, orientation to 2050; Resolution No. 81-NQ/TU dated July 6, 2022 of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on adjusting the boundaries of administrative units to expand Lang Son city. Along with that, it is aiming to building 3 communes meeting the standard of model new rural areas, building 8 model villages and 30 model residential areas; developing production models and promoting the implementation of the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program; continuing to focus on building a clean and strong Party Committee and political system, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation…

Through this, it can be seen that the implementation of the emulation movement to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day has received the consensus and positive response of the cadres, party members and People of all ethnic groups in the city. The results achieved will contribute to the important results in 2023 and the following years, contributing to the development of an increasingly rich and beautiful Lang Son province.