Friday,  09/20/2024

The 6th session of the 15th National Assembly: Provincial National Assembly deputies contribute opinions to the medium-term public investment plan for the period of 2021-2025

Continuing the meeting program on Friday, November 2, At the National Assembly Building, under the chairmanship of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the National Assembly discussed in the hall about the mid-term assessment of implementing the Medium-term Public Investment Plan for the period of 2021 – 2025; National financial plan and 5-year public debt repayment for the period of 2021 – 2025.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai moderates the discussion session

In the morning discussion session, 22 National Assembly delegates spoke, 1 delegate participated in the debate; The Minister of Finance participated in speaking and clarifying many issues of concern to voters and National Assembly deputies. National Assembly delegates gathered to express opinions on evaluating the implementation of state budget revenues and expenditures, national finances, public debt safety, national financial security, ensuring state budget resources for socio-economic development…

Delegate Chu Thi Hong Thai, Provincial National Assembly Delegation expresses opinions and discusses at the hall

Speaking at the hall, delegate Chu Thi Hong Thai and Lang Son Provincial National Assembly Delegation highly agreed with the inspection report of the Finance and Budget Committee on solutions to implement public investment plans in the remaining two years, which includes a request for the Government to focus on directing and devoting resources to investment preparation, ensuring the readiness of projects that can be deployed as soon as capital is allocated in 2024 and 2025.

The delegate also emphasized that regional development is a consistent and consistent policy of our Party in the country’s development process to exploit and maximize the potential and advantages of regions and localities throughout the country to serve socio-economic development, ensure national defense and security and improve the material and spiritual life of the people. According to the delegate, to strengthen regional connectivity, first of all there needs to be a connection between provinces. From local practice, delegates recommended that the National Assembly and the Government consider and include the project to upgrade, renovate and expand National Highway 1B connecting Lang Son and Thai Nguyen into the public investment portfolio in the coming years.

Delegate Trieu Quang Huy, Deputy Head of the Lang Son Provincial National Assembly Delegation, speaks at the discussion session

Expressing his opinion on the public investment plan for 2023 and the expected public investment plan for 2024, delegate Trieu Quang Huy, Deputy Head of the Lang Son Provincial National Assembly Delegation, said: The 2003 public investment plan was implemented in the context of the world and domestic situation continuing to be complicated and unpredictable, with our country’s economy suffering from dual impacts from adverse external factors and inadequate restrictions that have existed for many years. In that context, accelerating disbursement progress effectively and effectively in 2023, including effectively implementing the socio-economic recovery and development program, plays a very important role. The Government has had many solutions in implementing increased disbursement of investment capital and has achieved some positive results.

The disbursement rate of public investment capital in the first 9 months of 2023 has improved compared to previous years in absolute terms, higher than the previous year but has not met the requirements; It is necessary to continue to rectify and have solutions to remove obstacles in the disbursement of public investment capital as stated in the Government’s report.

Through actual supervision, delegate Trieu Quang Huy also raised a number of specific problems, including investment preparation work and annual investment plan delivery being slow and lacking in initiative; Investment preparation work is still a weak step, leading to capital waiting for projects, completing lengthy investment procedures, affecting the efficiency of using public investment capital…

Regarding the authority to approve adjustments to investment policies for transitional ODA projects, Some contents have not been detailed in the Public Investment Law and current regulatory documents, causing difficulties for localities in the process of reviewing and implementing investment procedures for ODA projects. The delegate also proposed that the Government consider removing obstacles related to regulations on converting the use purpose of rice cultivation land and forest land; speeding up the progress of synthesizing appraisals, assigning plans and guiding implementation of ministries and central branches…

THANH HUYEN - Office of The Provincial National Assembly Delegation & People's Council