Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial National Assembly delegation monitors the implementation of Resolution No. 43 of the National Assembly

On January 22, Mr. Trieu Quang Huy, Member of the National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee, Deputy Head of the specialized delegation of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation and Deputy Head of the supervision delegation of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation chaired the thematic supervision program of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation towards the Provincial People’s Committee on the implementation of Resolution No. 43 dated January 11, 2022 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies to support the recovery and socio-economic development program in the province.

Working with the monitoring delegation were Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Doan Thanh Son and representatives of a number of departments and sectors of the province; leaders of People’s Committees of districts and city.

According to the report of the Provincial People’s Committee, implementing Resolution No. 43 of the National Assembly and Resolution No. 11 dated January 30, 2022 of the Government on the socio-economic recovery and development program and guidance documents of relevant ministries and branches, the Provincial People’s Committee has been drastic, proactive and flexible in direction and administration, proposing specific and timely solutions and tasks for implementation.

After 2 years of implementing Resolution No.43 of the National Assembly, the socio-economic situation in the province has gradually recovered; Most industries and fields have returned to growth; Production and business activities, people’s and workers’ lives are stable and develop again, making an important contribution to completing socio-economic development targets and tasks in the province.

Regarding the results of implementing specific policies, for tax exemption and reduction policies, in the province there are 1,315 businesses receiving output value added tax reduction with an amount of 439 billion VND; The results of preferential lending through the Bank for Social Policies for the loan program for economic recovery and development according to Resolution No. 11 until December 31, 2023 reached 769.9 billion VND with 9,201 customers receiving loans; Housing rental support for 331 workers with an amount of nearly 500 million VND; Interest rate support of 2%/year from the State budget for 22 customers who are businesses, cooperatives, and business households with an interest rate support amount of 2.8 billion VND. Regarding development investment policies, 3 district-level medical center projects reached about 60% of the volume, 50 commune-level medical stations and a number of other works and projects were invested in construction and disbursed to ensure proposed progress…

At the meeting, representatives of a number of departments, sectors, and People’s Committees of some districts and city explained and clarified a number of issues of concern to members of the monitoring team such as: the implementation of a number of programs and projects; The rate of businesses receiving tax reduction in 2022 is not high; Balancing local budgets to implement construction investment projects and support the agricultural development value chain; Adjusting investment projects and project disbursement progress; Loans to support production and business…

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Doan Thanh Son speaks at the program

Speaking at the program, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee affirmed: The Provincial People’s Committee has been proactive, drastic and flexible to implement the goals of socio-economic recovery and development according to Resolution No.43 of the National Assembly.  In the coming time, the Provincial People’s Committee will continue to direct relevant units to continue improving the business investment environment; Focus on implementing works and projects, speeding up the disbursement of public investment capital; Focus on removing difficulties and obstacles during the implementation process.

Concluding the supervision program, the Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly delegation acknowledged the results achieved by the Provincial People’s Committee in implementing Resolution No. 43. Besides the achieved results, there are still some problems and limitations such as production and business activities are still difficult and recovery is slow; Access to credit capital is limited; The disbursement of investment capital has not met the requirements…

Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Trieu Quang Huy, speaks at the supervision session

He requested that in the coming time, the Provincial People’s Committee continue to synchronously implement the program, focusing on mobilizing resources for rapid and sustainable socio-economic development; promptly remove difficulties and obstacles, accelerate the implementation of national target programs, and the construction progress of investment projects in 2024 and the following years, including projects under Resolution No.43…

Regarding the recommendations of the Provincial People’s Committee and units, the Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation received, researched and synthesized to transfer to the competent authority.

Previously, the supervision delegation worked with the Provincial Tax Department and the State Bank of Vietnam Provincial Branch on implementing Resolution No.43 of the National Assembly. At the meeting, the units evaluated the achieved results, At the same time, the delegation raised limitations and problems in the implementation process, thereby making recommendations and proposals for a number of contents related to fiscal and monetary policies to support the recovery and socio-economic development in the province.