Friday,  09/20/2024

Proactively preparing the best conditions for the National High School Graduation Examination

(LSO) – The National High School Graduation Examination 2020 is going to be organized on August 9th and 10th 2020. Until now, the preparation for the examination is being actively implemented, in which focusing on reviewing lessons, preparing infrastructure, at the same time disseminating Exam Rules and Regulations.

In the 2020 National High School Graduation Examination, Lang Son has 41 units with 8821 candidates, there are 7846 candidates studied national education program; 975 candidates studied Continuing Education program. According to the exam rules issued by the Ministry of Education and Training, the exam has 5 tests including 3 independent tests and 2 two combinatorial tests. Candidates are allowed to take only one combinatorial test (which is different from the exam in 2019 when candidates could resign both tests at the same time); candidates who studied Continuing education program are only allowed to choose component subjects in the combinatorial test.

Reviewing lessons of 12 grader of Chu Van An High school for the Gifted, Lang Son city

Up to now, all the schools have already finished the reviewing program for their students. According to Ms Nguyen Minh Thu, Principal of Cao Loc High School, this year, her school has 523 candidates of grade 12 who registered for the 2020 National School Graduation Exam. There are 312 candidates who only registered for school graduation and 211 candidates who registered for school graduation and college and universities entrance consideration. To help these students reach the highest results in the exam, her school has enhanced reviewing lessons for them. Knowledge for revision is mostly in grade 12 learning program and based on the mock test of Ministry of Education and Training. Until today, the reviewing, strengthening and systemizing of knowledge have basically completed.

To prepare conditions for the exam to be organized as planned, besides the knowledge preparation for students, all the high schools in Lang Son province has proactively prepared infrastructure for the exam. For example, in Trang Dinh high school, there are 413 candidates and the preparation has basically completed. Mr Hoang Quoc Binh, the Principal told that ‘there will be 23 exam rooms, his school checked all the classrooms and facilities such as: tables, chairs lights, etc. to immediately change and repair the new ones before the exam begins. At the same time, the measures for the preparation and control of natural disasters and flood also are planned and the school closely worked with the authorities and other related agencies to ensure the exam happen safely and seriously’.

According to the plan, this year, Lang Son province organizes the exam in 21 locations with nearly 380 exam rooms located in the schools. To ensure the exam happened safely and as planned, besides establishing the documentaries to lead and guide the exam organization, Department of Education and Training has checked and prepared good infrastructures and facilities in the exam rooms, exam locations; arranged teachers, medical staff, security guards to join Exam Supervision Committee (planned 1350 people) who are qualified to take part in all the activities to invigilate and to absolutely ensure the exam rules and regulations. At the same time, to proactively work with related departments, sectors and functional force to develop measures and plan for ensuring the security and safe for every part in the exam; to protect exam locations; to escort and protect questions for the exam and candidates’ tests.

Currently, all districts and a city in Lang Son province are well-prepared for the exam. With the proper preparation of Educational and Training sector, well-preparation of authorities in all aspects and the efforts of all students, it is believed that the 2020 National High School Graduation Examination in Lang Son province will be organized successfully.