Friday,  09/20/2024

Inspecting the preparation for the 2020 national high school graduation examination

(LSO) – On July 27, 2020, the inspection delegation no.1 of the Provincial Steering Committee of the 2020 national high school graduation examination led by Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering committee, checked the preparation of the exam in Cao Loc commune and Lang Son City.

According to the report, in this year exam, in Cao Loc commune, there are 1018 candidates resigned in 2 exam locations which are Cao Loc High School and Dong Dang High School; in Lang Son city, there are 3 exam locations (which are Viet Bac high school, Hoang Van Thu high school, and Chu Van An Gifted High School) with 1700 participants. Currently, the communes and the city have established Steering Committees at commune level and assigned tasks for the members.

After the inspection at Dong Dang high school in Cao Loc commune; Viet Bac high school and Hoang Van Thu High school in Lang Son city, it can be seen that all the schools properly implemented to prepare the best conditions for the national high school exam; proactively developed the organizing plan for the exam with the solutions to prepare for unfortunate events and to ensure that the exam is organized as planned.

Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded remarks at the examination

In the framework of the inspection, the delegation members have contributed to the units and schools some preparation contents of the exam such as well-preparing for living conditions, food security for the staff and teachers to do their tasks; actively cooperating with other agencies, units like Public Security, Health, Electricity etc. to build the plans to ensure that the exam will happen safely, seriously, and to prepare solutions in the case of  natural disasters; proactively prepare and fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, etc.

Concluding the inspection, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee appreciated the efforts of the Steering Committee of the communes, the city, and the schools to prepare the conditions for the exam.

He requested the units seriously to receive the comments of the inspection delegation. At the same time, from now to the examination, all the schools and related units have to actively prepare the conditions about infrastructures, human resources to organize the exam; to focus on training the staff, teachers about organizing the exam; to direct the high schools to enhance reviewing lessons and add more knowledge for the students in grade 12; implementing to review and prepare plans to support the students who do not stay close to the exam locations; making the plan to ensure the security, proactively coping with natural disasters, flood, typhoons; enhancing the cooperation with the agencies, units to organize the exam, etc.

Especially, amid the complicated situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, the schools and all level of the Steering Committee have to closely follow the central and provincial direction about the preparation and control of the pandemic; well-preparing the plan about medical prevention of the pandemic, ensuring the exam happen safely, seriously and properly.