Friday,  09/20/2024

The Fatherland Front at all levels: Promoting the role of parishioners’ unity

(LSO) – Over the past time, the Committee of the Fatherland Front at all levels in the province has actively propagated and mobilized the unity of religions and parishioners; mobilized parishioners to abide by the Party’s undertakings and guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, respond to emulation movements, contribute to building Lang Son homeland to further develop and so on.

As an area with the parish, many parishioners living there, over the past time, Gia Cat Commune Fatherland Front Committee, Cao Loc district and Village Front Working Committees have taken many measures to strengthen the great national unity bloc in the area. Mrs. Nguyen Thanh Huong, a parishioner in Bac Dong 1 village, Gia Cat commune, said that every year, she and other parishioners in the village are facilitated to operate by the party committee, authorities, and the Commune Fatherland Front, at the same time propagated and oriented to operate in accordance with regulations. She and other households in the village actively develop economy, unite to participate in movements and activities in the locality and so on.

The leader of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee presented gifts to the Bishop of Lang Son – Cao Bang Diocese on the occasion of Christmas 2019

In Bac Son district, there are 798 religious households, with nearly 2,900 people, most of whom are Protestants, over the years, the Fatherland Front Committee at all levels in the area has regularly paid attention and created favorable conditions for parishioners to live and work in accordance with laws. Mr. Hoang Minh Tuyen, Chairman of the District Fatherland Front Committee, said that the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations regularly coordinate to grasp the feelings and aspirations of parishioners to advise and resolve promptly. At the same time, they propagate and mobilize parishioners to unite, actively implement patriotic emulation movements effectively, live a good life and religion and so forth. In 2020, parishioners and people in the area have donated nearly 8,500 m² of land, more than 15,000 working days; thereby, it helps renew 25.2 km of concrete roads, many cultural houses and other public works and so forth.

As far as concerned, there are three main religions in the province: Buddhism, Catholicism and Protestantism with thousands of followers and Buddhists. Mr. Hua Van Dai, Head of the Movement, Ethnicity, Religion Department, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee said that every year, implementing directing and guiding documents from superiors, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee builds guiding documents on religious work to the Fatherland Front at all levels in the area. In particular, they focus on mobilizing dignitaries and parishioners to abide by the Party’s undertakings and guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, maintain security and order; actively respond to patriotic emulation campaigns, movements, humanitarian and charity activities launched by the province. On the other hand, the Fatherland Front at all levels presides over the establishment of delegations or joins working delegations at all levels to visit and give gifts to religious organizations. Thereby, it helps grasp thoughts, aspirations and propagate, mobilize religious organizations, parishioners to well implement the current regulations.

As a result, in 2020, parishioners in particular and people in the area in general have voluntarily donated more than 75,600 square meters of land, contributing nearly 78,000 working days worth over 12 billion dong to build new-style rural areas. Regarding the work of maintaining security and order, the People have provided 264 news related to crimes and illegal acts, coordinated to reconcile 322/486 conflict cases in the residential community and so on.

Especially, amid the complicated developments of natural disasters and epidemics, religious organizations in the area have carried out meaningful and practical activities to support people in many places to overcome difficulties. For example, the Provincial –level Vietnamese Buddhist Association donated 100 million dong for the Covid-19 prevention and control in the province; mobilized Buddhists to donate 500 million dong to the central provinces; Lang Son Bishops’ Court donated 50 million dong for the Covid-19 prevention and control in the province and so forth.

Thanks to the above solutions, over the past time, the situation of religious and belief activities in the area has been normally going on, there are no complicated cases, ensuring security, social order and safety, maintaining the stability of the local situation, contributing to local socio-economic development. Thus, in 2020, the whole province has 159,271 out of 195,833 families reaching cultural families, accounting for 81.33%, an increase of more than 2.9% compared to 2019.