Friday,  09/20/2024

Recorded from the 2022 Spring Vaccination Campaign

– After 1 month of implementation, the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 in the spring of 2022 in the province has been completed, ensuring safety and on schedule. The above results are the efforts of the medical staff, the participation of the whole political system, contributing to raising the rate of COVID-19 vaccine coverage in the area to a high.

According to the direction of the Ministry of Health, on January 29, 2022, the Department of Health issued Plan No. 15/KH-SYT on deploying the 2022 spring vaccination in the province with the goal of all people eligible for vaccination are vaccinated against COVID-19 to ensure safety and not to waste vaccines. The vaccination campaign period is from January 29, 2022 to February 28, 2022.

An Officer of the Provincial Center for Disease Control gives vaccines to local people at the injection site of the unit

Mr. Ly Kim Soi, Deputy Director of the Department of Health, said: In order to make the 2022 spring vaccination campaign most effective, the Department of Health has set up inspection teams to supervise vaccination work at all districts and city; direct medical centers to develop vaccination plans with conditions to ensure the highest safety in pandemic prevention and control and safety in vaccination.

At the same time, through previous vaccination campaigns, the units had a reasonable plan in arranging injection sites, the number of people injecting in a specific time frame, limiting the gathering of people to avoid the risk of disease spreading.

From the drastic direction of the Provincial People’s Committee and the health sector, the units have focused on implementing the spring vaccination campaign right after the Lunar New Year holiday in 2022. The province has more than 200 injection sites, with an average of 2 to 4 injection tables each, and 4 to 6 injection tables in the district health centers to serve the people.

Mr. Bui Quoc Khanh, Chairman of Huu Lung District People’s Committee said: In order to successfully complete the campaign, the unit focused on directing the Party committees and local authorities to proactively review the number of people aged 18 and over present in the locality to promptly make a list and schedule for vaccination. Thanks to that, during the campaign, the whole district was injected with 36,077 doses of vaccine to ensure safety. Thereby, increasing the proportion of people aged 18 and over who are eligible to have received the first injection in the area to 98.9%; the rate of fully vaccinated with second doses is 97.2%, the rate of eligible people who have been vaccinated with the third doses of vaccine is 78.06%.

In addition, to ensure that people are eligible to receive vaccines on time, many units have proactively established mobile injection stations to remote and isolated villages, where transportation is especially difficult to organize vaccination for the People. For example, in Cao Loc district, the district health center has set up 2 mobile injection tables for the 2 most difficult villages in the area, including: Ban Hec village, Loc Yen commune, to people’s homes to give injections; In Tan Cuong village, Xuat Le commune, vaccination at the Village Cultural House   (mainly the elderly, people with underlying diseases) with nearly 150 injections. Thereby, the vaccine coverage rate in Cao Loc district has reached a high level with 99.52% of people living in the area received the first dose; 97.41% of people received second injections.

An officer of the Provincial Center for Disease Control injects the people with COVID-19 vaccine at the injection site of the unit

Ms. Hoang Thi Ho, 87 years old, from Tan Cuong village, Xuat Le commune, Cao Loc district shared: Due to old age, weakness, difficulty in traveling, I was very happy with everyone when the medical staff came to the village to vaccinate people. In addition, I was also guided by medical staff on how to take care of my health and prevent and control the pandemic at home, so I feel more secure during this complicated pandemic.

With the best efforts of both the political system and the medical staff, the spring vaccination campaign has completed as planned and as required. According to the preliminary report of the Department of Health, during the campaign, the whole province received 140,258 doses of the vaccine (4,744 people received the first dose; 5,331 people received the second dose; 130,183 people received the third dose). Thereby, it has contributed to increasing the coverage of COVID-19 vaccine in the locality.

As of February 28, 2022, the whole province has injected more than 1.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine, the rate of people aged 18 and over who have received the first dose is 99.82%; rate of second dose reached 97.13%; the rate of third dose was 80.2%. If compared with the vaccination rate before the campaign (January 28, 2022), the proportion of people aged 18 and over receiving the first dose increased by 0.4%; the rate of second full injections increased by 3.87%; the rate of third injection increased by nearly 40%.