Friday,  09/20/2024

Individual responsibility needed to effectively prevent COVID-19 epidemic

(LSO) – In the context of the complicated developments of the COVID-19 outbreak, apart from the strong participation of the whole political system, fighting the epidemic needs joint efforts of each citizen. The disease will be effectively prevented if each person proactively and properly follows disease prevention instructions.

According to the Ministry of Health, as of 17:00 on March 10, 2020, 34 people were confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 in Vietnam. All new patients of COVID-19 after March 2 returned from epidemic-hit areas or had close contact with COVID-19 infection cases.

This shows that COVID-19 spreads very fast, thus each individual is an important link in controlling and preventing the disease.

Amid the complicated developments of the disease, a lack of awareness of even a single citizen will affect the epidemic prevention effort in the area.

Staff members of the Lang Son city’s health centre instruct local people in how to wash their hands using disinfectant solution

Dao Dinh Cuong, Director of the provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention said the most difficult thing in preventing and containing the epidemic is the dishonesty and lack of cooperation of some individuals, who for a variety of reasons, concealed or gave untrue information on their travel schedule and history of contacts. The official stressed that if epidemiological factors were not recorded accurately and timely, the implementation of measures and efforts to cope with the epidemic will be also affected.

After more than one month of implementing solutions to prevent the epidemic, thanks to efforts and determination of the local political system, Lang Son province has not recorded any COVID-19 infection case.

The province’s Steering Committee for preventing the disease has paid special attention to communication work in different forms such as via loudspeaker systems; newspapers and direct communication activities, thus popularizing information related to the outbreak situation, the disease’s transmission mechanisms, prevention measures for individuals and the community.

Moreover, 790,000 locals received information via telecommunication means and the internet, which help raise public awareness of the importance of implementing disease prevention measures and instructions. The majority of locals have understood the danger of the disease.

Ly Van Thuan in Minh Hoa village, Chi Lang town of Chi Lang district, said through communication activities and information published by newspapers and radio and television programmes, his family now knows how to prevent the COVID-19.

Medical workers of Lien Hoi commune’s health station in Van Quan district talk about COVID-19 prevention measures to local people

“My daughter, who was studying in the Republic of Korea, returned home on February 23, 2020.  Before she returned home, I on myself informed Chi Lang district’s health centre and asked the centre to put my daughter in quarantine in order to ensure safety for my family and the community.” he said.

“After my daughter arrived in Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi on February 23, I took her to the district health centre for medical check-up, then took her to a quarantine facility of the province. She has completed the quarantine period of 14 days and returned home with stable health.” he added.

Not only Mr. Thuan, others in the locality have become aware of their responsibilities for their own family and the community.

Nong Van Doan, head of Na Tung village, Nam Quan commune, Loc Binh district said he has passed on to not only his family members but also villagers necessary information on how to prevent the disease and keep the environment clean.

He has also kept updated on the number of villagers who work in China. If any of them return home, Doan asked them to fill out medical declarations, and go to quarantine facilities as requirements.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen, who is also vice head of Lang Son’s Steering Committee for preventing COVID-19 affirmed that the whole political system in the province is proactively and drastically work to contain the epidemic in the spirit of fighting epidemic like fighting invaders.

Members of the Steering Committee need to uphold the sense of responsibility in implementing their tasks, he said.

Local residents should play the major role in the fight against the epidemic by strictly implementing relevant requirements in order to protect health and safety for themselves, their families and the community, he stressed.