Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial Steering Committee inspects the preparation of high school graduation exams in Van Lang, Cao Loc district and Lang Son city

On June 24, the inspection team No. 2, Provincial Steering Committee for the 2022 high school graduation exam in Lang Son province, led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee inspected the preparation for the high school graduation exam 2022 in Van Lang, Cao Loc district and Lang Son city.

At the inspection sites, the exam steering committees of the districts and city have fully reported the preparation progress for the exam in terms of facilities, staff on duty, plans to ensure safety for the exam, review work, disease prevention and control, support for candidates…

Specifically, for Van Lang district, the whole district only held 1 examination site at Van Lang High School with 440 registered candidates (the school arranged 19 exam rooms); Cao Loc district has 2 examination sites with 48 exam rooms, in which Dong Dong High School has 401 candidates registered for the exam with 18 exam rooms and Cao Loc High School has 672 candidates registered for the exam with 29 exam rooms; Lang Son city has 3 examination sites including: Chu Van An High School for the Gifted, Viet Bac, Hoang Van Thu High School with a total of 2,021 candidates registered for the exam and 86 exam rooms.

Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a speech to direct the inspection session

Up to this point, the conditions of personnel, facilities, means and equipment ensure security and safety; plans for prevention and control of pandemics and natural disasters; The plan for the support, etc, at the exam sites has been fully and carefully prepared by the steering committees of the districts and the exam sites.

After the direct inspection, the members of the delegation had discussions and suggestions with the steering committees of the districts, city and exam sites on a number of issues that need to be implemented such as continue to prepare facilities, ensure the best conditions for electricity, water…; regularly check and review electrical equipment for fire and explosion prevention and control; develop a plan to predict specific situations when natural disasters, storms and floods occur and a plan when there is a candidate suspected of being infected with COVID-19 and when there is a F0 case…

Speaking at the test, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged and highly appreciated the thoughtful preparation and high sense of responsibility of the district and city exam steering committees and exam sites.

He requested the Steering Committee for exams and exam sites in the coming time to continue to implement the guiding documents of the Ministry of Education and Training and the province on exam organization; strengthen review, extra tutoring for students with weak academic ability; care and support students with difficult circumstances.

At the same time, the Steering Committee training to fully grasp the exam regulations for examination officials and candidates before the exam takes place; developing a plan to preserve exam questions and exams closely and in accordance with regulations; strengthening measures to prevent and combat cheating, using high-tech equipment at exams; paying attention to the preparation of living conditions, food safety and hygiene for officials and teachers working on exams, and students from far away from the exam sites; have specific plans to deal with pandemics, natural disasters, storms, floods, etc. that may occur during the exam.

Units continue to review all content and preparation for the exam. The relevant functional sectors uphold the sense of responsibility, coordinate well in performing the assigned tasks; ensure traffic safety, security and order inside and outside the exam area and conditions of electricity, water, health… serving the exam.

Steering committees of districts, city and exam sites absorb the opinions of members of the inspection team and must absolutely not be subjective or neglectful at any stage; continue to improve the preparation and organization of the exam to ensure that the exam takes place safely and in accordance with regulations.