Friday,  09/20/2024

The 4th dose of vaccine against COVID- 19: Raising awareness, avoiding subjectivity

Currently, the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic has been controlled, leading to the situation that some people have a subjective mentality, neglect with the pandemic, and do not want to receive the 4th dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, leading to the risk that the COVID-19 pandemic may re-emerge.

From the beginning of June 2022, the whole province administered the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine to those aged 18 and over. In particular, priority is given to people over 50 years old, people over 18 years old at risk of moderate to severe immunodeficiency and people in the high-risk group exposed to COVID-19.

People in Diem He commune, Van Quan district participate in vaccination against COVID-19

Although the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine has been synchronously organized by the health sector and related forces, after more than 1 month of implementation, (as of July 14, 2022), the rate of injection of the 4th dose in the province has just reached 38.98% of the total of more than 160,000 people expected to be injected.

The reason for the low rate of people getting the 4th dose of vaccine is that the number of people who received the 4th dose of vaccine have contracted COVID-19, and the time requirements for vaccination have not been met (subjects contracted COVID-19 after at least 3 months before vaccination). In addition, the propaganda and advocacy work in some localities and units has not been really drastic. Moreover, due to the subjective and negligent psychology of the people, many people believe that the pandemic has been controlled, it is not necessary to have a booster shot…

Mr. L.M.H, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city said: My family has 6 members, including 4 people who are eligible for the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Due to the thought that the pandemic was under control, there was no need for a booster shot, so up to now, all 4 members have not been vaccinated.

Along with the subjective psychology, many people also have access to untrue information about the side effects of the vaccine, so it has also greatly affected the progress of vaccination against COVID-19 in the province.

Recorded in Van Quan district shows that, as of July 14, 2022, the rate of 4th injection of the whole district has just reached over 11%. Doctor Dang Van Nam, Deputy Director in charge of the District Health Center said: The unit is having difficulty in mobilizing people to participate in vaccination with 3rd and 4th doses. Although right from the time of vaccination, the district Steering Committee for COVID-19 prevention and control has directed to strengthen the propaganda work; each village health worker go to each household informed about the injection schedule; Directly calling people to get vaccinated… but many people still don’t come.

Officials of Cao Loc District Health Center give the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine to people in the area

Currently, the sub-variant BA.5 of Omicron has entered Vietnam with a much higher level of spread than the normal variant. It is the subjective mentality of not participating in vaccination against COVID-19 that is posing a great challenge to pandemic prevention and control in the area in general and the achievements of pandemic prevention and control achieved in the past time.

Mr. Ly Kim Soi, Deputy Director of the Department of Health, said: To overcome the above problem and speed up the vaccination schedule against COVID-19, the health sector has implemented many solutions such as: the quantity of vaccine against COVID-19 to meet the demand for injection in districts and city; strengthen coordination with functional forces at grassroots level to organize propaganda to raise people’s awareness about the benefits of vaccination. At the same time, on June 28, 2022, the Department of Health issued Official Letter No. 1498/SYT-NVYD on expanding subjects to receive the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine including: teachers, people working in the field of transportation, people providing essential services, people working in service establishments, tourism, commercial centers, supermarkets, markets to increase the number of people received the 4th dose of vaccine in this batch.

Although the health sector has made many efforts, in order for people to raise awareness, not be subjective and neglect the vaccination against COVID-19 with the 4th dose, it is necessary to involve the whole political system in propaganda and movement work.  Only in this way will the rate of the 4th dose injection be raised, contributing to the good implementation of COVID-19 prevention and control in the area.

“Each dose of COVID-19 vaccine is highly protective for 6 to 12 months, with protection decreasing over time. Therefore, vaccination against COVID-19 with the 4th dose is really necessary for people in the current period when the COVID-19 pandemic is at risk of becoming complicated again. In order to protect the health of themselves, their families and the community, people selected to participate in these 4 rounds of vaccination need to participate in full and timely vaccination.”

Dr. Duong Anh Dung, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, Provincial Center for Disease Control