Friday,  09/20/2024

Summary of work to ensure traffic order and safety in the first 6 months of 2022

On the morning of July 26, 2022, the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee held a conference to review traffic order and safety in the first 6 months of 2022, and implement tasks in the last 6 months of the year. Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee chaired the conference.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee gave a directing speech at the conference

According to the report of the Provincial Traffic Safety Committee, in the first 6 months of 2022, there were 15 traffic accidents in the province, killing 15 people and injuring 7 others. Comparing with the same period in 2021, traffic accidents decreased by 3 cases (down 16.7%), 1 dead person (down 6.25%), 1 injured person increased (up 16.7%); Railway traffic accident occurred 1 case, water accident did not occur; There were no particularly serious traffic accidents.

The main cause of the accident was that the driver of the vehicle involved in traffic violated the regulations on lanes, road sections, speed, and alcohol; redirect inattentive observers; avoid or exceed the regulations…

Regarding patrolling, controlling and handling violations, from December 15, 2021 to June 14, 2022, the traffic police force in the whole province organized 9,094 patrols and control cases with 39,629 turns officers and soldiers participated. Thereby, detecting and issuing a decision to sanction 14,951 cases; driving license deprivation 1,833 cases; impound 4,826 vehicles; temporary seizure of papers in 4,999 cases….

Leaders of Traffic Police Division, Provincial Public Security spoke at the conference

At the conference, the delegates discussed and recommended a number of contents such as: strengthening the propaganda and dissemination of the law on traffic safety; management and protection of road corridors; strengthening inspection and sanction traffic vehicle drivers who use alcohol, beer, stimulants and drugs when participating in traffic; handling oversized and overloaded vehicles; video recording, remotely fines for violations on traffic routes, in inner cities by traffic surveillance cameras; need to install more signs and safety instructions on national highways and provincial roads; handle the “hot spots” of traffic safety loss…

Concluding at the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested: All levels and sectors of the province need to strengthen measures to propagate the law on traffic safety to officials, employees, people and students…

At the same time, all levels and sectors continue to improve the spirit and responsibility of leaders in directing and administering the implementation of traffic safety and order; accelerating the construction of key traffic infrastructure, dealing with the “hot spots” of traffic safety loss; strengthening inspection and specialized inspection of traffic – transportation according to plan and unscheduled, focusing on inspection of vehicle load, carrying more than the prescribed number of people. functional forces mobilize maximum forces, means and professional measures to strengthen patrolling, control and strictly handle violations of traffic safety regulations, effectively exploit and use the traffic monitoring camera system on key traffic routes such as national highways: 1A, 1B, 4A, 4B… strengthen and strictly implement the sending of notices of violations by officials and party members to agencies and organizations for evaluation and emulation at the end of the year…

In order to curb traffic accidents in the last months of 2022, sectors, local authorities and functional forces need to focus on analyzing and frankly assessing the shortcomings and limitations in the work of ensuring traffic safety and order, at the same time, they proposed key measures close to the actual situation for implementation in the coming time. Along with that, they need to research and install cameras in urban areas, key intersections, prone to accidents, and national highways to cool fines for violating vehicles. The functional forces actively develop traffic flow plans, patrol and control traffic safety and handle vehicles showing signs of violations; overloaded oversized vehicles; striving that by 2022, all three criteria on traffic accidents will be reduced by 5% or more compared to 2021.