Friday,  09/20/2024

Summary of control and reform of administrative procedures activities, implementation of one-stop, one-stop-shop mechanism

On the afternoon of September 21, the Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to review administrative procedures control activities, reform administrative procedures, and implement the one-stop-shop mechanism in the province in the first nine months of 2022. Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the meeting.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, concluded the meeting

In the first nine months of 2022, the Provincial People’s Committee and leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee have directed agencies and units to actively implement the contents of the control of administrative procedures, implement the one-stop, one-stop-shop mechanism and carry out administrative procedures in the electronic environment. Accordingly, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee has issued 36 decisions to announce the list of 463 administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of all levels of government in the province. As of September 14, 2022, the whole province has 1,803 administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the authorities, of which: the province has 1,433 administrative procedures, the district level has 264 administrative procedures, and the commune level has 106 administrative procedures.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee approved the list of implementation to reduce the time limit for handling administrative procedures under the management of 13 sectors with a total of 82 administrative procedures (exceed the plan of 4 administrative procedures), the total reduction time is 606.5/1,547 days, reaching the rate of 39.20%…In the first 9 months of 2022, the province received 573,347 administrative procedures dossiers, resolved 563,959 dossiers, reaching 98.36%, in which, there are 563,125 applications in advance and on time. The online public service portal and the province’s electronic one-stop information system were implemented synchronously and uniformly to 228 agencies and units in the province. Up to now, 1,819 online public services have been provided, of which 390 are level 3; 1,046 are level 4. The Provincial Online Public Service Portal has been connected to the National Public Service Portal to perform interoperability, synchronize the status of receiving and processing administrative procedures dossiers and providing information services…

At the meeting, the delegates discussed and clarified a number of contents such as: the situation of providing online public services; implementation status and results of authentication of electronic copies from the original; online payment of financial obligations on land; payment of taxes and registration fees in the implementation of administrative procedures on land…

Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested: In the coming time, agencies and units need to continue to strengthen and promote the roles and responsibilities of the leaders, propose drastic measures and solutions to improve and raise the quality of administrative procedure control and reform and implement the one-stop-shop mechanism; continue to perform well the announcement and publicization of administrative procedures under the handling competence of agencies and units; strengthen inspection and supervision, develop self-inspection plans, promptly detect limitations and have plans to overcome them early; step up updating records of administrative dispute settlement results in the network environment; promptly handle complaints and suggestions of individuals and organizations about the administrative procedure settlement process; improve the quality and sense of responsibility of the contingent of cadres and civil servants who actually work in administrative procedure control and reform.

The Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee assigned the relevant departments and sectors to urgently fix errors in synchronous processing of documents from the National Public Service Portal and the province’s electronic information system; organize training and guidance for organizations and individuals to pay their financial obligations online; propagate and train individuals and organizations and implement solutions to increase the number of certified electronic copies from the original.