Friday,  09/20/2024

Ensuring security and order for the Provincial Sports Festival

As planned, the 9th Provincial Sports Festival in 2022 will open at 8:00 am on September 25 (Sunday), at Dong Kinh Stadium, Lang Son city (in case of natural disaster or complicated epidemic, it will be held in the Provincial Sports Hall according to the backup plan). The competition time will be from September 26 to September 30. This is a big event, with a large number of participants, therefore, the plan to ensure security and order for it has been closely directed by the Provincial Public Security Department.

As we record in the morning of September 22 at Dong Kinh Stadium, Lang Son city, the ceremonial and parade forces are enthusiastically practicing for the opening ceremony. A large number of police forces were also present to ensure security and implement other tasks. In particular, the police force for fire prevention, fighting and rescue (Firefighting & Rescue) under the Provincial Public Security Department have checked to ensure safety on firefighting & rescue.

Officials of the Firefighting & Rescue Police Division under Provincial Public Security Department check the fire hydrant for fire fighting at Dong Kinh Stadium, Lang Son city where the opening ceremony of the Festival takes place

Captain Nong Van Tu, an officer of the Firefighting & Rescue Police Division under Provincial Public Security Department, said: “The inspection has been carried out by the unit since September 20, focusing on the electricity system, fire fighting water system, fire hydrant, fire steering and hose, fire extinguisher. Through inspection, there are fire fighting equipment in the stadium area, a 100m³ water tank, fire hydrants, the locking valves are still in good working condition; However, there are some old, damaged equipment and vehicles, the unit has asked the stadium manager to timely fix it. The Division also gave hypothetical situations and set out specific plans to promptly handle if there was an incident during the Festival.”

Officials of the Firefighting & Rescue Police Division under Provincial Public Security Department check the fire extinguisher for fire fighting at Dong Kinh Stadium, Lang Son city where the opening ceremony of the Festival takes place

Along with the plan of firefighting & rescue, other plans to ensure security for the 9th Provincial Sports Festival were also closely directed by the Provincial Public Security Department. Senior Lieutenant Colonel Ly Anh Tuan, Deputy Head of Internal Political Security Division under Provincial Public Security Department said: “In order to perform assigned tasks, the unit has advised leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department to issue plans to direct and assign specific tasks for professional divisions, local police according to their functions, tasks and management areas to develop specific plans on ensuring  security. In particular, the Provincial Public Security Department assigned Lang Son City Public Security Division to be in charge of developing a plan, and assigning forces to ensure absolute safety for the opening ceremony, competition time and closing ceremony of the Provincial Sports Festival in 2022.

Accordingly, the provincial police force has strengthened the inspection of weapons, explosives, support tools, residence and accommodation management; thoroughly understand the situation, control the area before, during and after the Festival… Regarding the plan to ensure traffic order and safety and other security and safety issues, the Provincial Public Security Department requested the shops around Dong Kinh Stadium to temporarily close since the afternoon of September 22. Also in the afternoon of September 22, the Provincial Public Security Department coordinated with the Provincial Military Command to clear bombs, mines and obstacles to ensure safety for the Festival.

Lieutenant Colonel Duong Cong Dien, Captain of the Security Team, Lang Son City Public Security Division said: “During the Festival, the city police coordinated with professional units of the provincial police and residential guard to set up 18 groups in the gates, doors to the stadium, the parade ground and on the stands for ensuring security and order; at the same time, we also sett up 13 groups regulating and dividing traffic flows in the routes around Dong Kinh Stadium and the Sports Hall, ensuring smooth traffic operations, preventing prolonged congestion and traffic jams. Thereby, it contributes to the safety and success of activities in the Festival.

Additionally, the Provincial Police also strengthened their understanding of the situation, promptly detected and prevented the plots and destructive activities of hostile forces, crimes, and activities that disrupted the Festival. During the Festival, the different police forces of the province have coordinated promptly and closely in the implementation of professional measures, have well complied with the requirement of information and reporting, been on duty, avoided being passive and surprise in every situation…

With the initiative in prevention and specific plans in maintaining security and safety of the provincial police force, it is believed that the 9th Provincial Sports Festival in 2022 will be a great success.

The 9th Provincial Sports Festival in 2022 includes 15 sports, organized in two phases. The 1st phase was before the opening ceremony, the competitions in 11/15 sports have been organized; the 2nd phase will be after the opening ceremony, from September 26 to 30 with 4 sports including stick pushing, tug of war, athletics and badminton. As planned, the rehearsal performance for the opening ceremony of the Festival will be held on the morning of September 23, the opening ceremony will be held on the morning of September 25 and the closing ceremony of the Festival will be held on the afternoon of September 30.