Friday,  09/20/2024

Spreading the emulation movement “Good at work – Good at housework” among female workers, officials and laborers

In recent years, the emulation movement “Good at work – Good at housework” has been launched and implemented by unions at all levels in the province and has far-reaching effects among female workers, public employees, and laborers, contribute to enhancing the role of women in many areas of social life.

According to aggregated data of the provincial Labor Confederation, the province currently has 25,330 female workers, public employees, and laborers, accounting for 61.5% of the total number of workers, public employees, and laborers. Mrs. Be Thi Hoa, Standing Vice President of the Provincial Labor Confederation said:

Implementing the emulation movement “Good at work – Good at housework” among female employees, every year, the Provincial Labor Confederation has developed programs and plans to implement to district, city and sector unions. At the same time, the confederation directed the units to actively coordinate with the authorities at the same level to inspect and supervise, ensure regimes and policies for union members, workers, public employees, and laborers, especially female workers, creating conditions for women to feel secure to work, study, improve their professional qualifications, take care of building a prosperous, equal, progressive and happy family.

Leaders of Provincial Labor Confederation gave gifts to female union officials on Vietnam Women’s Day

Accordingly, every year, the labor unions of districts, cities and sectoral trade unions have developed plans and directed 100% of grass-roots trade unions to deploy the movement “Good at work – Good at housework” in association with emulation movements: “Good workers, creative workers”, “Women actively study, work creatively, build happy family”… and organized for female employees to register for emulation titles.

Mrs. Ha Thi Thuy Hang, Chairwoman of the Provincial Trade Union of Education, said: The emulation movement of two good people in the education sector has been concretized into the movement “Be good at school, take care of housework”. With nearly 70% of the total number of cadres, teachers, and workers being female, the provincial education trade union has actively developed plans, implemented to 100% of affiliated trade unions and thoroughly grasped the units interested in implementing the movement. Every year, over 98% of female teachers and employees register and over 95% of female teachers get the title of “Good at school – Good at housework”. Along with that, trade unions at all levels have actively advised the Party committees, coordinated with the authorities at the same level to pay attention to female cadres, creating conditions for female cadres to study and improve their qualifications, have a suitable working environment to show their capacity and creativity; advised on planning and appointing qualified and capable female cadres to successfully complete all tasks. At the same time, the unions strengthen inspection and supervision of the implementation of legal regimes and policies related to female employees. On average, each year, the labor unions of districts, city, and trade unions inspect and supervise nearly 20 times. As a result, female employees always feel secure to work, actively learn, improve professional qualifications, assert themselves in professional work.

On the other hand, trade unions at all levels regularly coordinate with the authorities to well organize commemorative activities (International Women’s Day March 8, International Day of Happiness March 20, Vietnamese Women’s Day October 20… ) with a variety of activities, integrating propaganda to raise awareness, guiding female employees to arrange work, spend time taking care of and raising children and always know how to take care of their own health and beauty, “keep the happiness”, build a cultural family. Every year, 100% of employees’ families sign the commitment and over 95% of families are recognized with the title of “Cultural Family”, in which many families of employees are rewarded with “Typical Cultural Family”. From 2016 to now, the Provincial Labor Confederation has commended and awarded certificates of merit to 75 typical families of employees (increasing by 31 families compared to the period 2010 – 2015), in addition, there was a typical female employee’s family who was praised and awarded certificates of merit by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor and 363 families were praised at the grassroots’ direct superiors (sector union, district and city Labor Confederation)…

Mrs. Ha Thi Gam, Secretary of the Party cell, Principal of Kindergarten No.2 Diem He, Van Quan district said: During my 22 years of work, I have always been interested by trade unions and unit leaders to facilitate learning and improve my professional qualifications (university majoring in educational management, training for managers, intermediate in political theory, etc.) as well as planning and appointment. At work positions, I always try to complete the assigned tasks well and arrange scientific time to take care of my family, teach my children to be obedient, and achieve good students for many years.

As a result, every year, over 95% of female employees in the province register to implement the emulation movement “Good at work – Good at housework”. In 2021 alone, there were 24,714 registered female employees (98%, an increase of 1,703 people compared to 2016, equivalent to 3%) and 87% won the title of “Good at work – Good at housework” (increased by 4,4% compared to 2016).