Friday,  09/20/2024

The National Great Unity Day: Contributing to strengthening the great unity bloc of the whole people

As a custom, every November, residential areas in the whole province simultaneously organize national great unity day, associated with the celebration of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Day on November 18. Through the festival, the great unity block of the people is increasingly consolidated, making an important contribution to the development of the homeland.

The Great Unity Day in residential areas in the province began to be held in 2003, Mr. Hua Van Dai, Head of Movement – Ethnicity – Religion Committee, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee recalled: That year, the whole province had only 3 residential areas in 2 communes Bao Lam (Cao Loc), Yen Khoai (Loc Binh) and Chi Lang ward (Lang Son city) to organize a great unity festival. From these first areas, in the following years, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee actively directed and guided districts and communes so that the organization of the festival was widely spread.  As a result, by 2008, the festival was held in 100% of residential areas in the province and since then, the festival has been organized more and more methodically and meaningfully, contributing to tightening solidarity among the people.

People in Lang Mun village, Quan Son commune, Chi Lang district happily dance stalls at the great unity festival in 2021

The common point is that the great national unity festival is thoughtfully and practically prepared by residential areas in various forms. Most residential areas organize activities such as: cultural and artistic activities, physical training and sports, folk games, creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere among all classes of people, contributing to preserving and promoting national cultural identity. At the same time, at the festival, the organizing committee conducted a summary of the campaign “All people unite to build a new countryside and a civilized city”, honoring typical cultural families, giving gifts to poor households and studious children; making great unity meal party… All have created a truly complete, practical and meaningful festival.

In 2021, the whole province has 1,283 out of 1,705 residential areas that can organize the national unity festival (taking place in November), reaching the rate of 75.2%, down 24.8% compared to 2020, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In which, 1,225 residential areas can organize both the ceremony and the festival, 1,168 residential areas can organize the great unity meal. Notably, in 2021, in the area, there are 28 residential areas to organize festivals with central and local leaders attending to give encouragement speeches and have practical gifts for residential areas, policy families, poor households…

Although working far away, every year Mr. Hoang Van Quynh, Van Mich street, Hong Phong commune, Binh Gia district also arranges time to attend the great unity festival. Mr. Quynh shared: The festival is an opportunity for neighbors, friends to meet, have an intimate meal, chat and talk, review memories, stories about life, family, discuss and contribute to the development of the homeland, thereby, tightening the solidarity of the village.

In 2022, from mid-October, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee has issued a plan to organize the Great Unity Day, associated with the 92nd anniversary of the traditional day of the Vietnamese Fatherland Front (November 18, 1930-18, 2022).  By the end of October, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee issued a schedule to organize the provincial festival in 18 residential areas in 11 districts and city in the area. According to the schedule, these areas will be attended by provincial leaders, members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, and leaders of departments and sectors of the province.

People in An Rinh 2 village, Tan Lien commune, Cao Loc district participated in the game of pushing sticks at the great unity festival in 2021

Mr. Duong Hai Than, Deputy Secretary of the Party Cell, Head of the United Front Work of Zone 7, Na Sam town, Van Lang district said: Right from the beginning of November, the work of voting for cultural households and practicing arts for the great unity festival has been implemented by the front to the entire People. The preparation for the festival was enthusiastically responded by people, from cleaning village roads and alleys, embellishing cultural houses, practicing arts and so on. Everyone wants to contribute a little effort to make the festival take place happily, thoughtfully, in the true sense of the great unity of the whole people.

It is known that this year the COVID-19 pandemic has been controlled, so the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee has actively guided the Fatherland Front from district to grassroots level, strive to reach 100% of the residential areas in the province can organize the ceremony, the festival and the meal on the great unity festival. This is not only an opportunity to evaluate and review the operation results of the residential areas in the past 1 year, but also an opportunity for people to meet, exchange, thereby consolidating and cultivating more solidarity, contributing to building an increasingly civilized and developed homeland.