Friday,  09/20/2024

Building a contingent of cultural cadres at all levels: Have a solid expertise, good at movements

Identifying cultural staff is an important factor for the task of building cultural life from the province to the grassroots level, in recent years, all levels and sectors in the province have implemented many suitable solutions to make this contingent more and more solid in their expertise, contributing to the strong development of cultural movements in the province.

Currently, at the provincial level, there are nearly 250 officials, civil servants, public employees and workers (of which, the university degree or higher accounts for 71%)  working at the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and 7 affiliated non-business units. At the district and city levels, there are 325 civil servants, public employees and laborers (of which 53.9% are university degrees or higher) working in the culture – information department and the culture, sports and media center. At the commune level, there are 395 civil servants of culture – society at the commune level working at 200 People’s Committees of communes, wards and towns. In which, the number of civil servants with a university degree or higher accounted for 70.9%, (an increase of more than 12% compared to 2019). According to the report on the performance of tasks of the Department of Home Affairs, every year, the contingent of cultural cadres in general, and civil servants in particular, basically meet the quantity and gradually meet the quality standards.

Officers of the Culture and Information Department of Huu Lung district exchanged professional knowledge

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: Over the years, the Culture, Sports and Tourism industry has taken many leadership and direction measures to focus on building a contingent of cultural cadres from the province to the grassroots with good quality and quantity.  In which, the department focused on planning and fostering the contingent of leaders and managers; associated the recruitment and placement of staff with the needs of use and the payroll. At the same time, the sector also focused on implementing training courses to improve professional qualifications for civil servants from the province to the grassroots …

Accordingly, from 2018 to now, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has attracted and trained 5 young officers with graduate degrees working in departments, divisions and units. For the contingent of commune-level cadres, every year, the People’s Committees of districts and communes review and send to train social workers who have not met the standards or propagate and encourage civil servants to self-study courses to improve their professional qualifications (college, university, postgraduate) in the form of learning by doing, online learning. Mr. Chu Thanh Huu, Head of Home Affairs division of Van Lang district said: Over the past years, the contingent of civil servants at commune level in the district has been arranged and consolidated to ensure the quantity and meet the requirements of performing tasks. Currently, the whole district has 30 civil servants of culture and society, of which 26 people have university degrees, 4 people have college degrees, 100% of civil society civil servants meet the standards of information technology application. Every year, the division often coordinates to organize from 2 to 5 training courses, professional guidance for officials and civil servants; assess the quality and status of grassroots cultural activities.

In addition, the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector always focuses on training, retraining and fostering professional and political theory level for cultural staff. Accordingly, from 2018 up to now, all levels and sectors have coordinated to organize for nearly 12,000 turns of cultural cadres from the province to the grassroots, to participate in classes and refresher courses to improve the level of political theory, cultural management, information technology… Particularly, the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector has organized 16 integrated training courses on professional work for the contingent of civil servants at commune and district levels. In addition, the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector also regularly launches contests to learn about culture and heritage on the occasion of major events of the province and the country, thereby contributing to improving the professional quality of the cultural staff.

Mr. Nguyen Trung Dung, specialist of the Culture and Information Division of Huu Lung district said: Thanks to constant efforts to learn and improve knowledge, as well as being focused on fostering to improve the level of political theory and professional work, from 2016 to now, I have advised to develop documents guiding the maintenance and replication of 15 domestic violence prevention and control models in 15 communes and towns in the district and built 75 sustainable development family clubs. The implementation of the models has changed the perception of people of all classes in the district.

Notably, every year, the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector regularly honors outstanding individuals; organizes exchanges, learn and exchange experiences inside and outside the province. Thereby, the sector has encouraged collectives and individuals to constantly emulate and strive to successfully complete their tasks, and many collectives and individuals have been rewarded. Specifically, in the period of 2019 – 2021, the Culture and Information Division of Bac Son, Trang Dinh and Chi Lang districts all received the flag of leading emulation movements of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; typically, in the year of 2020 – 2021; In the whole sector, 20 collectives and 10 individuals received certificates of merit from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Through the practical work of all levels, the sector has helped cultural cadres constantly develop in both quantity and quality. Thereby, the sector contributed to the movement of building cultural life more and more spreading strongly, cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities in the whole province have prospered. Specifically, in 2021, the whole province has 164,210 out of 204,515 households achieving the title of cultural family (accounting for 80.3%), an increase of more than 5% compared to 2018; There are 1,398 out of 1,705 residential areas achieving the cultural title (accounting for 82%), an increase of 29% compared to 2018. In particular, at present, the whole province has established 850 cultural and sport clubs, groups and teams, (an increase of nearly 200 clubs compared to 2018).