Friday,  09/20/2024

Positive changes in “Building cultural residential areas”

In recent years, all levels and sectors in the province have promoted the implementation of the movement to build cultural residential areas to create a healthy living environment, contribute to improving the material and spiritual life of the people, arousing the solidarity among people in residential areas and the cohesion among ethnic groups in the province.

There is no longer a narrow dirt road like in previous years, now, the road to Ban Moi village, Tu Xuyen commune, Van Quan district has been paved with clean concrete, and the two sides of the road are planted with many kinds of flowers. Mrs. Nong Thi Tho, Secretary of the Party cell, Head of Ban Moi village, Tu Xuyen commune, Van Quan district said: The village has 87 households, 415 people, carrying out the movement to build cultural residential areas, the party cell directs the village front committee to regularly coordinate with mass organizations to actively propagate to the people the criteria of the integrated movement in village meetings. In particular, the village attaches great importance to the role of the inter-family group, considering it an effective arm for all activities of the village, from propaganda to mobilizing people to contribute money and work days to build works; environmental sanitation… Thereby, it creates a high consensus in the implementation of the village’s work. In 2022, the village has mobilized households to plant and take care of a 200 meter long flower path. There are 79/87 households achieving cultured families, an increase of 9 households compared to 2021. The village also won the title of culture for 3 consecutive years.

People in Ray village, Quyet Thang commune, Huu Lung district have a cultural exchange during the Great National Unity Day on November 18.

Like Ban Moi village, in recent years, the movement to build cultural residential areas has been actively responded by the people of Man Duong village, Mai Sao commune, Chi Lang district. Mr. Chu Van Cuong, head of Man Duong village said: The village has 138 households, 599 people. In order for the movement to build cultural residential areas into reality, we always uphold the role of party members in movement activities, mobilizing people to contribute money, contribute land to build village roads and concrete inner village roads. Accordingly, from the beginning of 2022 until now, people in the village have donated 180 m2 of land, contributed 140,000 VND/household, nearly 100 working days for road construction, in addition to the above contributions, party members contributed another 100,000 VND/person; By 2022, the village will have 134/138 households achieving cultured families (up 1.5% compared to 2021).

Ban Moi village and Man Duong village are just two of many villages that have made positive changes in building a cultural life in residential areas in recent years. Specifically, in terms of the title of “Cultural family”, in 2022 there are 69,425/79,397 households, reaching the rate of 87.4% (an increase of more than 5% compared to 2018). Regarding the title of “Cultural residential area”, in 2022, the whole province has 1,382/1,676 villages and residential groups achieving the cultural title, reaching 82.5% (an increase of nearly 30% compared to 2018). In which, many areas have a high percentage of cultural residential areas such as Lang Son city (99%), Huu Lung district (98%), Cao Loc (92%); Trang Dinh (88%)…

People of Dai Thang block, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city performed art at the Great National Unity Festival

To achieve these results, every year, the steering committee of the movement all people unite to build cultural life at all levels implements many practical activities. Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee of the movement “All people unite to build a cultural life” said: Over the past time, we have cooperated with relevant departments, sectors  and districts and cities to disseminate, guide and concretize the implementation of criteria, build a scoring scale for consideration and awarding titles of cultural residential areas according to Decree No.122/2018/ND-CP of the Government regulating the consideration and award of the title “Cultural family”; “Cultural Village”, “Cultural Hamlet”, “Cultural Village”, “Cultural Town” ,Culture Residence Group” (referred as Decree No.122) to ensure compliance with actual local conditions. Propaganda on the implementation of cultural titles is carried out throughout from the province to the grassroots with diverse and abundant forms of propaganda.

Accordingly, from 2018 up to now, the whole province has hung over 3,000 banners and slogans for visual propaganda; released nearly 1,000 propaganda materials; organized more than 750 mobile propaganda sessions, more than 200 art performances integrating propaganda content about the movement of the whole people to unite to build cultural life at the grassroots…The socio-political organizations simultaneously coordinated in-depth propaganda.

Mr. Nong Duong Son, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province said: Every year, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee develops plans and guides the Fatherland Front at all levels and its member organizations to deploy the movement of all people to unite to build cultural life,  especially to build cultural residential areas to 100% of residential areas in the province. Fatherland Front Committees at all levels have actively coordinated to well organize the great national unity festival in residential areas (November 18 every year). In 2022, 100% of residential areas held festivals, thereby contributing to strengthening national unity. Along with that, Fatherland Front Committees at all levels actively coordinated with agencies, units and member organizations propagated and mobilized the people to abide by the provisions of the law, build models of “Safe residential area”, “Residential area without crime and social evils”, “Self-defense, self-management, self-protection, self-reconciliation”… coordinate to maintain and replicate 837 models of environmental protection in residential areas…

Thanks to extensive propaganda, the movement to build cultural residential areas has gone into depth and been responded to by a large number of people from all walks of life. Ms. Pham Minh Hue, Head of Culture and Information Division of Loc Binh district said: the adjustment of criteria and the way to evaluate the title of cultural and scientific residential area more realistically according to Decree No.122 has also made it easier, fairer and more transparent for the residential areas to vote and recognize. Every year, the Steering Committee of the Movement of All People Solidarity to Build the Cultural Life of the District has directed communes and towns to develop specific plans, organize propaganda to carry out the movement closely following the criteria to propose specific solutions; actively propagate and mobilize the People to well implement the criteria in many forms; regularly coordinate inspection and supervision of the facility to apply in practice. As a result, in 2022, the whole district has 169/209 residential areas achieving the cultural title, reaching 80.9% (an increase of 18% compared to 2018).

In addition, the building and implementation of the conventions that have been paid more attention to by localities over the past time have also contributed to promoting the movement of building cultural residential areas to develop in depth with higher quality. Up to now, over 90% of residential areas in the province have completed the amendment and supplement of the convention. Through the implementation of conventions, people have conditions to participate in building self-governing models, maintaining discipline, everyone lives and works according to the law; public hygiene awareness has been improved.

Thanks to the efforts of all levels and sectors, the movement to build cultural residential areas has created a driving force to promote socio-economic development, investment in building, upgrading and developing the system of cultural and sports institutions to improve the people’s material and spiritual life is promoted.

In order for the movement to continue to be deployed widely and effectively, in the coming time, the Provincial Movement Steering Committee “All people unite to build cultural life” will continue to promote propaganda; strengthen inspection and supervision; promptly praise and reward typical collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the movement. At the same time, the committee will promote socialization, mobilize investment resources to build, upgrade and develop the system of cultural and sports institutions, creating motivation for the people to excitedly emulate production labor, improve the economy, eliminate social evils and customs, build a civilized lifestyle, and contribute to the realization of the local socio-economic development goals.