Friday,  09/20/2024

Reviewing one year of implementation of Project 06 and summarizing activities of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in 2022

On December 25, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Information and Communications coordinated with the Government Office to hold a conference to review the 1-year implementation of Project 06 and summarize the activities of the National Committee on Digital Transformation in 2022. Politburo member, Prime Minister, Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation Pham Minh Chinh chaired the conference. Attending the conference were Mr. Vu Duc Dam, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Prime Minister, Standing Vice Chairman of the National Committee on Digital Transformation; General To Lam, Politburo member, Minister of Public Security, leaders of ministries and sectors. The conference was held in person and online connected to provinces, districts and communes throughout the country.

In Lang Son, the conference was attended by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for Digital Transformation; leaders of departments, boards and sectors of the province. The conference is also connected to more than 200 locations in the province.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for Digital Transformation, chaired the conference in Lang Son province

In 2022, 9/12 important goals set by the National Committee on Digital Transformation have been completed. Specifically, 100% of enterprises use electronic invoices; the proportion of e-commerce revenue in total retail sales reaches 7.5%; the percentage of people aged 15 and over with payment accounts reaches 66%; the percentage of online public services is 80%; the rate of percentage administrative procedure dossiers submitted online is 52.80%; 50% of enterprises use electronic contracts; 75% of households have broadband fiber optic Internet; 30.7% of small and medium enterprises use digital platforms; 85% of the population has a smartphone.

Delegates attending the conference in Lang Son province

After 1 year of implementing Project 06 on “Developing the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022 – 2025, with a vision to 2030”. Working Group for project implementation advise and propose to promulgate 3 legal documents. More than 154 million records have been synchronized with processing status on the National Public Service Portal; 25 essential public services have been performed in the electronic environment. The Ministry of Public Security has cleaned up bank credit information to control risk assessment in the process of providing services of enterprises. The chip-based citizen identification platform has been applied in many fields. The Ministry of Public Security has put into operation an electronic identification and authentication system; on connection and data sharing, the National Database on Population has officially connected to 12 ministries, sectors, 4 businesses and 31 localities…

In the conference, representatives of ministries, sectors and localities clarified the results achieved in the implementation of Project 06 and digital transformation.

In Lang Son province, the digital transformation has achieved important results. The province has issued a resolution on digital transformation, identifying 5 pillars including Digital transformation in the Party agencies; Digital government; Digital economy; Digital Society and Digital border gate. Up to now, the whole province has created a large and unified digital space of the Party Committee and local government to connect with people and businesses; 100% of schools use digital platforms for online teaching and learning; 100% of people and businesses have virtual assistants to support administrative procedures; 100% of the province’s shared database operates on the Lang Son Cloud platform; 100% of activities of government at all levels from province to commune are posted on digital platforms; 100% of public services are eligible to go online to level 4 serving people and businesses on digital platforms. The ranking results of the Digital Transformation Index – DTI in 2021 of Lang Son province is 5th out of 63 provinces/cities, up 11 places compared to 2020, into the top 10 leading provinces/cities in digital transformation…

Speaking at the conference, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that the results achieved in the implementation of Project 06 and digital transformation were the efforts of ministries, sectors, localities, people and businesses. He also pointed out the limitations and asked the ministries, sectors and localities to increase awareness of the position, role and importance of the national digital transformation in the socio-economic development strategy in 2021 – 2030; to focus on perfecting institutions, mechanisms and policies, creating a legal corridor to promote national digital transformation, ensuring information security and safety; to strengthen discipline; to urgently finalize and drastically implement the plan of the National Committee on Digital Transformation and the Government’s Working Group for the Implementation of Project 06  in 2023. Ministries, sectors and localities that promulgate digital transformation plans must substantive, avoid formality; promote the building, updating, communication, connection and sharing of databases; focus on completing and implementing 53 essential public services (in Project 06 and Decision 422 of the Prime Minister). In 2023, a national data center should be built at all cost… Along with that, the Prime Minister also assigned specific tasks to each ministry and sector to effectively implement the contents of Project 06 and digital transformation.