Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial delegation visits, gives gifts and wishes Lunar New Year in Huu Lung and Binh Gia districts

On January 9, the provincial delegation led by Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee, visited and wished Lunar New Year in Huu Lung district.

The delegation visited, greeted and gave gifts for the Lunar New Year at Warehouse KV1, Department of Military Weapons

The delegation visited, greeted and gave gifts for the Lunar New Year at Warehouse K56, Department of Engineering

The delegation visited and wished New Year’s greetings to officers and soldiers at Warehouse K56, Department of Engineering and Warehouse KV1, Department of Military Weapons. At the visiting units, after listening to the leaders of the units reporting the results of the task performance in 2022, Mrs. Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee noted and highly appreciated the results achieved by the units. At the same time, she hope that in the coming time, the units will continue to successfully complete the assigned tasks; focus on implementing a number of key contents, first is to seriously and promptly implement the task of combat readiness and training; ensure adequate policies for officers and soldiers; check and prepare all plans on duty… to celebrate Tet joyfully and safely.

The delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee visited and gave gifts at the family of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Hue, Huu Lung town

On the same day, the delegation visited and wished Tet to two policy families in Huu Lung district, including: Mr. Vu Minh Doc’s family, in Ngoc Thanh village, Dong Tan commune (a sick soldier with a body injury rate of 61%, who is also a resistance activist infected with toxic chemicals, with a body injury rate of 41-60%) and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Hue’s family, in Huu Lung town (she is the daughter of martyr Nguyen Dinh Dong and mother of martyr Nguyen Quoc Hung).

The delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee and leaders of Huu Lung district visited and presented gifts to Mr. Vu Minh Doc’s family, Dong Tan commune

At the families, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee graciously visited and encouraged the families. She wished that families promote good traditions and continue to make positive contributions to building a developed homeland.

* In the afternoon of the same day, the delegation of the province led by Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee visited, presented gifts and wished New Year’s greetings at Binh Gia District Health Center and policy families in Binh Gia District.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee visited and presented gifts to Mr. Hoang Duy Trong, Toong Chu street block, Binh Gia town

In the program, the delegation visited and wished Lunar New Year’s greetings to three policy families in Binh Gia town, Binh Gia district, including: Mr. Hoang Duy Trong, born in 1952, block Toong Chu street, was a resistance activist who was effected with toxic chemicals; Mr. Hoang Duy Hung, born in 1946, Cam Thuy street block is a wounded soldier, (body injury rate 25%), and infected with toxic chemicals; Mr. Hoang Xuan Quang, born in 1950, on Tan Thanh Street, is a sick soldier.

Mr. Head of the delegation visited and encouraged Mr. Hoang Duy Hung’s family at Cam Thuy block, Binh Gia town

At the families the delegation visited, the leader of the delegation kindly visited and encouraged the families. At the same time, he hoped that families will continue to promote the good and exemplary traditions in abiding by the Party’s guidelines and policies, and the State’s laws and policies, continue to strive to overcome difficulties, rise up in economic development, contribute to building an increasingly rich, beautiful and civilized homeland.

The delegation visited, encouraged and gave gifts to the collective of officials, employees and employees of Binh Gia District Health Center

Along with that, the delegation visited, encouraged and gave gifts to officials and employees of Binh Gia District Health Center. Here, after listening to the unit leader’s report on the performance of last year’s tasks and the preparation for Tet holiday, the leader of the delegation recognized and appreciated the work results in 2022, the unit’s initiative and positivity in the preparation of the duty to serve the 2023 Lunar New Year. At the same time, he suggested that the Board of Directors of the District Health Center strictly implement the plan to ensure professional work during the Tet holiday.