Friday,  09/20/2024

Typical credible people in Co Loi

As Secretary of Party cell, Head of Co Loi village, Mau Son commune, Cao Loc district, over the years, Mr. Duong Trung Ly, born in 1979, a Dao ethnic minority have well performed his role, exemplary, leading in the movement of economic development, new rural building in the commune.

Mr. Duong Trung Ly and officials from Mau Son commune walked on the road that was mobilized people in the village to donate land to expand.

In 2018, Mr. Duong Trung Ly was elected as Party cell secretary, village head, he is also a credible  person in the ethnic minority community in Co Loi village, Mau Son commune. Clearly define the role and responsibility, he always actively researched and studied the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State in order to understand deeply, widely and propagate to people in the village, especially propagandized people to participate in the movement of building new countryside and economic development. In 2020, when the State had a policy to open the Co Loi – Than Diu traffic road and needed space for construction, he mobilized 18 households in the village to donate over 3,100 m2 of land for growing anise being harvested for road construction. He also mobilized people in the village to contribute working days to pull wires and erect poles to bring electricity to Co Loi village with a total length of about 1,000 m, meeting the daily needs of the people.

Mr. Ly said: Mau Son is a particularly difficult commune of Cao Loc district, with 97% of the population being Dao ethnic people, with limited intellectual level. Therefore, in order for people to abide by the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, I always set an example and thoroughly grasp the spirit of setting an example of cadres and party members so that the people in the village can trust and follow. In 2022, when there was a policy to build the commune Police headquarters, I donated more than 1,800 m2 of my family’s rice land to create space for the headquarters.

In addition, in 2022, when the State has a policy to upgrade district road no.22 (the section connecting Ban Gianh village, Xuat Le commune to Co Loi village, Mau Son commune), he propagated and mobilized people in the village to donate land to pave the way. Since then, 9 households have agreed to donate land to widen the road with an area of 1,200 m2.

Not only that, Mr. Ly is also active in developing the family economy, being a pioneer in planting golden flower tea trees with star anise and pine trees to increase income. Up to now, his family has grown over 100 golden flower tree trees, from the family’s model, he has propagated and mobilized households to follow, so far there have been 10 households in the village growing golden flower tea tree, it is expected that in 2023, there will be 3 more households to plant this tree for economic development and income improvement. Currently, Co Loi village has 48 households, of which there are 24 poor households. On average, the number of poor households decreases by 2-3 households each year.

Mrs. Trieu Thi Nay, Vice Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Mau Son commune, Cao Loc district said: In the past time, Mr. Duong Trung Ly has raised his responsibility and exemplary performance of the tasks assigned by the Commune People’s Committee every year. In addition to exemplary donating land to build the headquarters of the Commune People’s Committee, he actively mobilized people to donate land to build the infrastructure system in the commune. Thereby, he contributed to the building of new rural areas in the commune.

Mr. Duong Trung Ly became the reliable support of the Dao people here. With those efforts, in 2022, Mr. Ly was awarded a certificate of merit by the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs for his outstanding achievements in the implementation of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the province.