Friday,  09/20/2024

An exciting movement “Emulation of a thousand good deeds”

Towards the 60th anniversary of the “Emulation of a thousand good deeds” movement, children across the province have been implementing many meaningful works to celebrate this important event. With many contents such as environmental protection; emulation to study well; health training, skills; sharing love… the movement was actively emulated by teenagers and children.

Mrs. Le Thuy Dung, Chairwoman of the Provincial Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer Organization Council said: “Emulation of a thousand good deeds” is a big movement that has been widely implemented by organizations at all levels in the past time. In 2023, the movement underwent 59 implementations (March 24, 1963 – March 24, 2023). To celebrate this event, right from the beginning of the year, the Provincial Young Pioneer Organization Council has developed a plan and implemented it to 11/11 districts and city. Thereby, in order to review the tradition, towards the 60th anniversary of the movement “Emulation of a thousand good deeds”, creating an exciting competition among teenagers and children throughout the province.

Members of Huu Lung Middle School & High School for Ethnic Minority Boarding School improved their health through performances

Accordingly, the 60th anniversary of the movement “Emulation of a thousand good deeds” will be implemented from February to August 2023, in which, the peak period took place in 6 weeks from February 13 to March 26. During this time, the Young Pioneer Organization Councils at all levels focused on implementing the main contents such as: propagating the meaning and values of the movement “Emulation of a thousand good deeds”; organizing Pioneer Organization activities, children’s stars associated with the campaign “Every week a beautiful story, a good book, a bright example”; organizing a photo contest “Thousand good deeds”; painting contest; festival “Children are happy and healthy – toward the Youth Union; commending “The hero of a thousand good deeds”…

The district and city Young Pioneer Organization councils have thoroughly grasped the content of the plan and implemented to guide the organization to organize the implementation, and at the same time, registered to perform works that are meaningful to children and local community. Propaganda about the movement “Emulation of a thousand good deeds” was implemented synchronously on the website of Xu Lang Youth, on the social networks Facebook, Zalo of the Provincial Youth Union, districts and city Youth Union and on the inter-Young Pioneer Organization news. Propaganda content focused on the history, meaning and value of the “Emulation of a thousand good deeds” movement for Young Pioneer work and children’s movement; contributions of the movement to the revolutionary cause of the nation, building and defense of the Fatherland; education and training for children. From there, it encouraged teenagers and children to perform emulation content.

In order for the peak of the emulation session to be highly effective, each week the Young Pioneer Organization leader will give each group of content according to the topic and guide the Young Pioneer members and children to participate. During the implementation process, good models, creative ways, and typical individuals will be commended and replicated by Young Pioneer Organization councils at all levels.

Mr. Chu Ngoc Quang, Young Pioneer General Manager, Kien Moc Commune Primary School, Dinh Lap District said: Implementing the peak phase of “Emulation of a thousand good deeds”, the organization mobilized students to study and complete all assignments, actively speaking in class. We also organized for teenagers and children to clean village roads and alleys and sell scraps to raise funds… These activities attracted a large number of members and children to participate, through which, the organization raised 2.5 million VND to support the school’s football team, there have been 7 times of organization members being commended for picking up lost items and returning those who lost them.

At this time, at 404/404 inter-orgranizations in the province every day, specific jobs take place in response to the movement “Emulation of a thousand good deeds”. Typically, the Young Pioneer Organization of Ethnic Minority Boarding Secondary and High School in Cao Loc district collected used paper and notebooks to raise funds to support disadvantaged members at the school; in Doi Can commune, Trang Dinh district, children in the commune participate in cleaning memorial stele houses, cultural and sports exchanges; The Young Pioneer Organization of Primary School of Van Thuy commune, Chi Lang district supported rice for members with difficult circumstances… In the orgranizations, there have been many typical examples such as Lang Anh Thu, class 3A5, Hoang Van Thu Primary School, Lang Son city, who donated hair to cancer patients; Hoang Ngoc Chi, class 7A1, Young Pioneer Organization of Quang Lac Secondary School, Lang Son city took the initiative to learn sign language to communicate with her deskmates who are deaf and mute, to support her progress in learning..

“Emulation of a thousand good deeds” is a movement to promote youth and children to study, practice, contributed to forming awareness, good work habits, sharing love, overcoming difficulties and rising up in life. In the coming time, the organization councils at all levels will continue to widely implement the movement with many rich and diverse activities, created an environment for teenagers and children to study and practice.