Friday,  09/20/2024

A typical prestigious person in Thien Thuat commune

Over the years, with the role and responsibility of a prestigious person in the community, Mr. Trieu Van Lan, born in 1955, Khuoi Hop village, Thien Thuat commune, Binh Gia district has always been an exemplary model, taking the lead in propagating and mobilizing people to well implement the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, thereby making positive contributions to maintaining security and order and building new countryside in the area.

In 1975, Mr. Trieu Van Lan enlisted in the army and was stationed in the Air Defense – Air Force. In 1981, he returned to his hometown and worked at the People’s Committee of Thien Thuat commune. During his 34 years of service, he was trusted and elected to hold many positions such as Chairman of the Commune Fatherland Front Committee; Vice Chairman of the Commune People’s Committee; Secretary of the Commune Party Committee… In 2015, Mr. Lan retired and continued to be trusted by the people to be elected as a prestigious person of the village.

Mr. Trieu Van Lan (on the left) exchanged and shared information with the people

Khuoi Hop hamlet, Thien Thuat commune currently has 66 households, over 300 people, 100% of the population is the Nung ethnic group. In order to promote its role as a “bridge” between the Party, State and People, helping people understand and abide by the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws, he always set an example and mastered the spirit of setting an example of cadres and party members for the people in the village to believe and follow.

Mr. Lan shared: In order to be able to speak to the people, understand and follow, I always actively research and study the guidelines of the Party and the State’s policies, especially those related to socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas. Since then, I have deepened my thoughts and clearly determined what needs to be done to propagate and mobilize people to participate, for example, calling people in the village to respond to the new rural building movement.

In order to set an example for the people, in 2021, Mr. Lan donated 200 m2 of land to build rural roads. Besides, he also actively coordinated with the government to each household to propagate and mobilize people to join hands in building a new countryside. Accordingly, from 2021 up to now, he has mobilized 20 households to donate over 1,500 m2 of land to build rural infrastructure projects such as roads, cultural houses, sports fields…

Mr. Trieu Van Vien, Khuoi Hop village, Thien Thuat commune said: In 2021, when there was a policy to donate land to build a sports field in the village, my family was propagated and mobilized by Mr. Lan. Thanks to that, I understood more about the meaning of land donation as well as my responsibility for the development of my homeland, so my family donated 520 m2 of land to build the village’s sports field.

Not only is he a role model and leader in the land donation movement, he is also an active participant in calling and supporting people in difficult circumstances in the area. In addition, with the role and responsibility of a prestigious person, he often keeps a close relationship with the People, always listening and absorbing the opinions of the people to answer and solve problems. and promptly reconcile conflicts among the people.

From 2015 to now, Mr. Lan has successfully participated in mediation of 12 conflicting cases in the village, mainly about disputes over land, property, and marital conflicts…Thereby, he contributed to tightening solidarity, village friendship in the residential community.

Thanks to the good promotion of the role of reputable people and proactively grasping the situation in the area to propagate closely and timely, in recent years, Khuoi Hop village has not had serious conflicts among the people, the security and order situation has always been ensured… Currently, the village has 64/66 households recognized as cultural families.

Mrs. Lam Thi Hieu, Chairwoman of Thien Thuat Commune People’s Committee said: Mr. Lan is an exemplary party member who is a typical prestigious person in the commune. Despite his advanced age, he always accompanies the government in propagating, disseminating and educating the people about the law. At the same time, he has always been a pioneer in responding to movements launched by villages and communes and actively participated in reconciliation work at the grassroots, contributed to maintaining political security, social order and safety in the area.

With his efforts and contributions as a prestigious person , for many years in a row, he was awarded certificates of merit by the People’s Committees of communes and districts. In December 2022, at a conference to honor prestigious people among ethnic minorities, Mr. Lan was awarded a certificate of merit by the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs for having made many outstanding achievements in propaganda and advocacy for the implementation of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas by 2022.