Friday,  09/20/2024

Attaching QR codes to nameplates of streets and scenic areas: Contributing to practical cultural and historical education

In order to help people easily find out information related to street names, monuments and scenic spots in the province, the Provincial People’s Committee has directed the implementation of attaching QR codes on all street nameplates, relics and scenic spots in the province.

In fact, not every citizen or tourist when coming to Lang Son knows about the relevant information and meanings of the name of streets, monuments and scenic areas in the province. To find out information about a certain name, people need to search and collect information from many different sources. They may even encounter inaccurate information if they access to unofficial sources of information…

People in Lang Son city scan QR code at Doan Thanh historical site, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city

This is no longer a matter. Recently, on the nameplates of streets in Lang Son, there is a QR code allowing people to use smartphones to scan the code for the information related to the street name. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Huy, a tourist from Ha Noi visiting Lang Son said: When coming to Lang Son, I saw streets, schools and administrative units with the name Hoang Van Thu. I scan the QR code on the nameplate Hoang Van Thu, I was really surprised because there was a lot of useful information related to him. Then I come to know that comrade Hoang Van Thu was a child of Xu Lang and he is a typical senior leader of the Vietnamese Party and revolution.

It is known that the attachment of QR codes on the nameplates of streets, public works and scenic spots in Lang Son province is part of the Provincial People’s Committee’s plan to implement Resolution No. 49/NQ -TU dated September 28, 2021 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on digital transformation of Lang Son province to 2025, with a view to 2030.

Implementing the plan, from October 2022, relevant departments, sectors, People’s Committees of districts and Lang Son city have reviewed and counted the number of nameplates of streets, public works and scenic spots eligible for attaching a QR code in the area, then created a QR code and put it on the nameplates. Accordingly, the information displayed via the QR code on the street name plates includes location, starting point, ending point, length, road boundary; the name and biography of famous people historical figures whose name are given to streets…; names of places which are given to streets; outstanding features on streets, and scenic sites. Regarding public works, scenic relics, the information of their address, geographical area, location, name and historical significance are included within the QR code.

Ms. Phuong Thi Huong Lan, Deputy Director of the Department of Information and Communications said: “To perform the tasks assigned by the Provincial People’s Committee, the Department of Information and Communications coordinated with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to build a database of information on names of streets, public works and scenic sites. We also build software to create QR code and manage, maintain, operate the database, ensuring information security for the system…”

Following the spirit of digital transformation which is to use the lowest cost to create valuable and practical products serving people and tourists to learn information about culture and history information through names of streets, monuments, scenic sites, QR codes are printed on heavy duty decals with adhesive at the back. Therefore, the QR codes are easily attached to the nameplate. This not only saves the maximum cost, but also looks good, meeting the requirements of providing information to people who may concern.

Although it has only been implemented for a short time, up to now, districts and Lang Son city have attached QR codes to 1,009 nameplates of 525 streets, public works and scenic areas in the province.  In which, 9/11 districts have completed attaching QR codes. Currently, Lang Son city and Trang Dinh district are in the process of completion. Specifically, Lang Son city has attached 640 QR codes for 255/261 streets, public works and scenic areas; Trang Dinh district has attached QR code to 25/32 streets. These two units strive to complete this in April 2023. With this result, Lang Son became the first province in the country to complete the attachment of QR codes on the nameplates of streets, public works and scenic areas.

Through this, it can be seen that the attachment of QR codes on the nameplates of streets, public works and scenic spots not only conveniently provides information for residents and visitors, but also serves as a highlight of the province, in line with the trend of digital transformation application in all areas of social life.