Friday,  09/20/2024

Actively review and simplify internal administrative procedures

Over the past time, agencies and administrative units at all levels in the province have actively implemented Plan to review and simplify internal administrative procedures in the State administrative system in the period of 2022 – 2025 of the Government and achieved clear results, ensuring the right schedule.

In September 2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 1085 promulgating the Plan to review and simplify internal administrative procedures in the State administrative system in the period of 2022 – 2025. Accordingly, on December 2, 2022, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Plan No. 243 on reviewing and simplifying internal administrative procedures in State administrative agencies in the province in the period of 2022 – 2025. In which, it is required that, before April 1, 2023, complete 100% of the internal administrative procedures, which are listed and first published on the web portal of the Provincial People’s Committee. Up to now, 100% of agencies and units in the province have reviewed, made statistics and announced according to regulations 307 internal administrative procedures including: 68 administrative procedures at provincial level, 41 administrative procedures at district level, 198 administrative procedures at commune level. In addition, the Provincial People’s Committee has announced a total of 23 internal administrative procedures under the management of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Staff of the Provincial Public Administration Service Center summarized the results of reviewing and statistics of internal administrative procedures of agencies and units in the province

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Le Thu, Deputy Director of the Center for Public Administration Service, Office of the Provincial People’s Committee said: To ensure the effective review, statistics, publication and publicization of internal administrative procedures of State administrative agencies in the province, We have advised the Provincial People’s Committee to issue a specific implementation and implementation plan and direct agencies and units to review and simplify internal administrative procedures to ensure compliance with regulations and the right schedule. In addition, we have also advised to organize training conferences and regularly guide and urge agencies and units to review and summarize to ensure the assigned time and targets.

Accordingly, the Provincial People’s Committee assigned the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee to organize training, review and simplify internal administrative procedures in State administrative agencies in the province in the period of 2022 – 2025 for 100% of public officials to control administrative procedures and related to the implementation of the review, simplify internal administrative procedures of departments, sectors and People’s Committees of districts and communes. As a result, up to now, 100% of agencies and units have completed the review and submitted to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for promulgation according to the prescribed schedule.

Department of Home Affairs is one of the units actively implementing the review and statistics to serve the simplification of internal administrative procedures under the direction of the Government and the province. Accordingly, the department has issued Decision No.63/QD-SNV announcing 15 internal administrative procedures in 5 areas (organization of cadres; civil servants, employees; salary increase; generalization; accounting). Mrs. Hoang Thi Luan, Deputy Director of the Department of Home Affairs said: Immediately after the provincial plan was promulgated, we directed specialized departments and affiliated units to review and select appropriate administrative procedures for publication and publicity. At the same time, we also arranged a team of professional and experienced civil servants to review internal administrative procedures; sent civil servants to participate in a training course on reviewing and simplifying internal administrative procedures organized by the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee.

With the drastic implementation, the review and simplification of internal administrative procedures in State administrative agencies in the province initially achieved remarkable results. Based on the statistical results of agencies and units, in the coming time, Provincial People’s Committee will approve the plan to simplify internal administrative procedures with the rate of cutting at least 20% of administrative procedures and 20% of administrative procedures compliance costs (expected to be completed in 2024 and 2025).