Friday,  09/20/2024

Launching the opening of summer and action month for children in 2023

On the morning of May 30, the Provincial People’s Committee held a ceremony to launch the opening of summer and action month for children in 2023 with the theme “Joining hands to reduce harm to children”. Attending the launching ceremony were the Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen; leaders of departments, sectors, districts, Lang Son city and over 400 children representing over 200,000 children in the province.

Delegates attending the launching ceremony

This year’s action month for children has the theme “Joining hands to reduce harm to children” with specific activities and action programs of all levels and sectors to continue to build a safe and friendly living environment whish ensures the comprehensive development of children.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen speaks at the launching ceremony

Speaking at the launching ceremony, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee affirmed: “In recent years, all levels of Party committees, authorities, agencies, departments, socio-political organizations, business community, philanthropists and the entire people of Lang Son province have always considered “creating a safe and healthy living environment in which all children are protected” as an important goal and a special concern.”

In order to continue to effectively implement the goals of Action Month for Children, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested all levels and sectors to strengthen the state management of children’s affairs; to strictly and fully provide children’s rights as prescribed by law; to srenew and improve the effectiveness of propaganda, dissemination and education of the law on children’s rights; to strengthen moral education and lifestyle education in families and schools; to equip them with knowledge and skills on protection, prevention and combat of violence and abuse of children, prevention and control of children’s accidents and injuries; to strengthen the inspection and examination of the implementation of policies and laws on child protection; to strictly and promptly handle violations of the law on the protection of child and children’s rights; to pay attention to allocating and mobilizing resources to assist children in special circumstances, poor children, disabled children, children in ethnic minority, remote and isolated areas; to pay attention to investing, building and arranging more playing spaces for a safe, healthy and friendly environment.

Leaders of departments, sectors and businesses support the Provincial Children Protection Fund

Bao Viet Lang Son Insurance Company presents 30 bicycles to disadvantaged students in the province

At the launching ceremony, 87 units and individuals supported the Provincial Children Protection Fund with a over 300 million VND; donated 30 bicycles to disadvantaged children in the province.

*In the morning of the same day, a meeting with children under special circumstances took place with the participation of 60 delegates of children under special circumstances with high academic achievements who are being nurtured at the Provincial General Social Protection Establishment and over 300 students and youth union members of Lang Son city and Cao Loc district.

During the program, the delegates watched a reportage on the results of child care and protection in the province; listened to children’s opinions and sharing about their own difficulties and efforts in studying and helping their families every day.

Speaking at the meeting, the leader of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee encouraged and praised children with special circumstances, wishing them to continue to achieve more results in their studies. He suggested that departments, sectors, forces, unions and businesses continue to join hands in contributing to the Children Protection Fund of the provinces, districts and Lang Son city for more support to children. This helps to share, encourage and create opportunities for them to rise up.

The leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee and the Provincial Youth Union presented gifts to students with extremely difficult circumstances in the province

At the meeting, the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, departments, sectors and agencies presented gifts to 60 children with special circumstances in the province in 2023.