Friday,  09/20/2024

Launching the movement “The whole country emulates building a learning society, promoting lifelong learning in the period of 2023 – 2030”

Delegates attend the launching ceremony in Lang Son province

On the morning of June 10, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) cooperated with the Vietnam Study Promotion Association and related agencies to launch the Movement “The whole country emulates building a learning society, promoting lifelong learning in the period of 2023 – 2030”. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh attended and directed the launching ceremony.

The launching ceremony was held in person and online connected to 63 provinces and cities across the country. In Lang Son province, there were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of departments, boards, sectors, associations and mass unions in the province.

According to the report at the launching ceremony, the project “Building a learning society” approved by the Prime Minister and implemented since 2005 has brought many important results. The network of continuing education institutions has been consolidated and rapidly developed in number, diversified in models and activities, bringing practical efficiency to better meet the learning needs of the people. Up to now, 63/63 provinces and cities have met level 1 literacy standards, 46 of them have met level 2 literacy standards; 63/63 provinces and cities have met the popularization standard of preschool education for 5-year-old children, the popularization standard of primary education at level 2 and the popularization standard of lower secondary education at level 1.

With such results achieved, the Ministry of Education and Training and the Vietnam Study Promotion Association proposed to the Prime Minister to launch and request each agency, organization and individual in society, business, household and each people to disseminate and raise awareness about the efficiency of study promotion, talent promotion, building a learning society in the conditions of digital economy and digital society; to promote initiatives and solutions to encourage and develop reading culture in the community; to mobilize the entire population to participate in building a learning society and promote lifelong learning; to build a learning society and promote lifelong learning for all citizens.

At the launching ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh congratulated and praised the achieved results.

He requested all levels, sectors, localities and social organizations to continue widely popularizing and effectively implementing the guidelines and policies of the Party and State on education, study and talent promotion, building a learning society; to actively review and complete mechanisms and policies on building a learning society in the direction of diversification, linking learning with practice, talent with virtue, suitable for different subjects and localities through new models and good ways of doing. They were also required to promote the activities of educational institutions and grassroots cultural institutions. All were mobilized to contribute to create synergy in terms of resources, material, will and determination, creating breakthroughs in the development of a learning society; the system of libraries, museums and cultural houses should be consolidated; the reading culture at all ages and all walks of life should be encouraged. Digital transformation and application of information technology should be enhanced.

It was also necessary to effectively develop and promote the role of funds, conventions in families, communities, agencies and units to promote lifelong learning movement; to strengthen propaganda about the movement and typical examples, creating a spillover effect in society to encourage the study in families, individuals, villages, communes, districts, provinces and the whole country.

Along with that, the cooperation, learning from international experiences in building and developing a learning society, applying open and distance training technology, building a learning city should be promoted, acquiring and developing new knowledge in the fields of science and technology are the trend of the world.

During the ceremony, the leaders of the Ministry of Education and Training together with a number of boards, sectors and representatives of provinces and cities spoke in response to the emulation movement.

At the launching ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, representatives of leaders of commissions, ministries, sectors and mass organizations pressed the start button to commit the response to the movement “The whole country emulates building a learning society, promoting strengthening lifelong learning in the period of 2023 – 2030” launched by the Prime Minister.