Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son youth: Actively volunteering in the summer

This year’s Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign took place excitingly and widely with a large number of youth union members, young people, students participating. The projects and works for the community implemented on this occasion show the young people’s dedication to Xu Lang, their homeland.

The 2023 youth volunteer campaign in Lang Son province took place from May 26 to August 31, 2023, including the examination season relay program and campaigns: Green Summer, Red Flamboyant flower, Green march, Pink Holiday.

Many meaningful works are implemented

At the end of May and the beginning of June 2023, in the province, there were hundreds of projects, youth work was deployed from provincial to grassroots level with diverse and rich activities such as taking care of teenagers, children; construction of public works; helping people with difficult circumstances; implementing social security activities… Specifically, Lang Son Youth Union organized environmental sanitation; painted or decorated the 17/10 bridge; built a children’s playground from recycled materials at 15/6 Park ; repaired facilities for remoted schools; encouraged and supported candidates with difficult circumstances in the 10th grade entrance examination; health care consultation for children; organized summer activities… In Huu Lung district, the district youth union inaugurated the village road lighting project in Dong Tien commune; organized free medical examination and medicine for 220 people in Dong Tien and Quyet Thang communes; gave 120 gifts to disadvantaged people in the district area… At the same time, the District Youth Union and the District Young Pioneer Council also organized a free swimming class for 25 children in Van Nham commune.

Young nurses and doctors in Lang Son city check the teeth of children in the area

In remote, borderline communes, grassroots youth unions have also actively implemented many interesting and meaningful activities for the community. For example, in Bac Xa commune, Dinh Lap district, the commune youth union coordinated with the border guards to concretize more than 130m of road to the national border marker No.1,300/1; Visited and encouraged children with difficult circumstances, organizing summer activities for children…

According to preliminary statistics, from the beginning of the 2023 summer youth volunteer campaign up to now, all levels of youth unions and associations across the province have visited and given gifts to more than 500 policy beneficiaries and students with difficult circumstances; organized more than 200 environmental sanitation activities, 400 summer activities for children; concreted more than 1,000 m of rural roads; organized medical examination and supply medicine for more than 800 people; lighting up over 2,000 m of village roads. Along with that, the Youth Union and Youth Association at all levels also organized the groundbreaking of 2 “red scarf houses”, inaugurated 1 people’s living bridge and renewed dozens of playgrounds for children, helping students take part in the 10th grade entrance examination…

Student Hoang Van Luu, Binh Trung village, Van An commune, Chi Lang district said: My family’s situation is very difficult, my father does not have a stable job, so my house has deteriorated, is no longer safe but has no conditions to build or repair. I am very happy when I recently received a support from the Provincial Youth Union with an amount of 100 million VND for my family to build a new house. This is a great gift for me and my family. I promise to study hard to achieve the highest achievement.

After 1 month of implementing activities in the summer volunteer campaign, it shows that each activity attracts a large number of young people to participate. Although many youth volunteers are not familiar with manual labor jobs, they are still confused when participating in traffic concreting, electrical equipment installation, construction… However, with the eagerness to learn and the enthusiastic guidance of experienced volunteers, many young people quickly caught up with each other and successfully completed their assigned tasks.

The implementation of projects and youth work in the province not only has practical significance for the community, for beneficiaries, this is also an environment for youth volunteers to learn, practice teamwork, practice soft skills, enhance knowledge and understanding of society, since then, each youth volunteer will be more mature.

Innovating and diversifying methods

Ms. Dinh Thi Anh Thu, Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union said: Volunteering is a good quality that has been passed down through generations of young people. From the youth volunteer campaign, many remote and extremely difficult areas received attention and support, hundreds of poor households and children in difficult circumstances were helped; New houses and civil works are built with the contribution of young volunteers. Promoting this tradition, in 2023, the organization of unions and associations at all levels throughout the province has had many new ways of doing voluntary works. On the side of the Provincial Youth Union, the Provincial Youth Association continued to direct the organization of youth unions and youth association at all levels to promote this campaign. Especially this year, youth unions and associations at all levels focus on promoting digital transformation in all aspects of the Union’s work; participate in supporting digital transformation; focus on implementing the policy of “3 links” (linking forces, linking areas, linking communities); “1+1”  model (each union member or member can introduce at least one youth to join the union or association); “1 + 2” model (each team member goes to the grassroots for at least 2 months/year) in implementing volunteer activities…

Lang Son youth concretize traffic road in Tinh Bac commune, Loc Binh district

In order for programs and campaigns to be implemented effectively, Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee, Provincial Youth Union Secretariat have studied, classified and arranged youth to participate in programs and campaigns in order to maximize the strengths of youth in volunteering activities. Accordingly, union volunteers who are students, are arranged to participate in activities to protect the environment, respond to climate change; students, teachers, lecturers organize knowledge review, support candidates to participate in high school graduation exams, prepare facilities, materials, and social skills for children; union volunteers who are in armed forces, participate in activities for social security, building new countryside, urban civilization;  union volunteers who are public servants, officials and young entrepreneurs support people in performing online public services, digital transformation, etc.

The new feature of the 2023 Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign is that the Provincial Youth Union and Provincial Youth Association participate in digital transformation activities. In particular, all communes and towns in the province have a team to participate in digital transformation with members who are enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and proficient in digital applications. Team members directly visit each family, residential area to guide people to install and use digital applications, electronic payment accounts, do business on e-commerce platform contribute to speeding up the progress of digital transformation in the province. At the same time, the Provincial Youth Union and the Provincial Youth Association also take on a new task of mobilizing resources to socialize the road concrete to the national border markers through the “3 links” policy. This is a new and difficult task because it needs a lot of money, but with the young spirit of the youth, the youth of the province are ready to implement it.

Mrs. Hoang Thu Trang, Secretary of the Youth Union of Provincial Agencies said: Implementing the plan of the Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign, the Standing Committee of the Youth Union of the provincial agencies has developed a plan with specific striving targets and implemented it to the delegation bases to strive for implementation. Implementing the “3 links” policy, we have strengthened coordination and association with delegations across the country to mobilize resources to carry out activities in the province. Right from the beginning of the campaign, the youth unions organized summer activities for children, cleaned the environment, and helped children in difficult circumstances; organized medical examination and supply medicine for people in difficult communes; supported and equipped schools, border posts… Especially, the Youth Union of Provincial Agencies  coordinated to concretize the road to the national border markers with a length of more than 800m. In the coming time, we will continue to mobilize resources to build more roads to the national border marker.

The Youth Volunteer Campaign is an environment for union volunteer to practice, dedicate and grow up, contributing to the formation of a class of young people with bravery, intelligence and health, with social practical skills to contribute to the cause of national construction and defense. At the same time, it also created many works of practical significance, whose beneficiaries are children in the province, policy families, people in residential areas… Believing that with the spirit, youth and enthusiastic participation of young people, the 2023 Summer Youth Volunteer Campaign will achieve and exceed the set targets, contributing to the development of Xu Lang.

Reporters from For Reader Division