Friday,  09/20/2024

Multiple-choice contest on digital transformation: An effective form of propaganda

In recent years, digital transformation in the province has been comprehensively implemented in all areas of social life and achieved many positive results. In order to continue raising the awareness of people and businesses about digital transformation, this year, the Provincial Steering Committee on digital transformation has organized a multiple-choice contest on “Learning about digital transformation in Lang Son province in 2023”.

Young people of Lang Son city participate in the multiple-choice contest on “Learning about digital transformation in Lang Son province in 2023”

Mr. Nguyen Trong Hung, Deputy Director in charge of Department of Information and Communications, Head of the Organizing Committee of the contest said: “In order to attract the attention of agencies, units and people from all walks of life, from June 2023, the contest organizers have widely introduced the meaning and purpose of the contest on the website of the department; coordinated with the People’s Committees of districts and communes in posting it on websites and social networking sites of agencies and units. They also sent documents to agencies and units in the province to encourage officials and employees to participate in the contest…”

The contest took place in 4 weeks, from July 3 to July 30, 2023 and was held in the form of an online multiple-choice contest on the Internet. All classes of people living, studying and working in the province can participate in the contest. The contest content includes the guidelines and policies of the Party, laws of the State; documents of ministries, central branches and province on digital transformation, building e-government, towards digital government, digital economy and digital society… Every week, the Organizing Committee opens a set of 50 questions. Candidates can participate in the test many times per week, each turn has 10 questions, each question with 4 answer options. Besides the main question, there is one more sub-question that predicts the total number of people taking the test in the week. The winners of the contest will be the one with the most correct answers in the shortest time and the closest prediction to the number of participants in the week. The organizers will announce the list of winners each week with the highest prize of 3 million VND, the lowest one of 500 thousand VND.

Ms. La Thi Bich Thuy, Secretary of the Youth Union of Tam Thanh Ward, Lang Son City said: “In order to support Youth Union members and young people in taking the contest, we have included content about the digital transformation in the activities of the Youth Union. The Executive Committee of the Ward Youth Union also introduced to our members, young people about the purpose and meaning of the contest and encouraged them to participate in the contest. Thereby, a large number of youth union members and young people in the ward actively participated in the contest, some even participated many times.”

Since its beginning (July 3), the contest has received the enthusiastic participation of people from all walks of life in the province. In residential areas, many families have taken part in the contest, while one member reads the questions, the others look up and find the answers to get the most correct questions in the fastest time. This approach has been very effective when many groups have the right answer in their test.

Ms. Hoang Thi Lan, Na Duong town, Loc Binh district said: “Every time my family gathers around, we will participate in the multiple-choice contest on “Learning about digital transformation in Lang Son province in 2023”. Through each test, we have a better understanding of the documents, goals, tasks and solutions for the implementation of the central and provincial digital transformation.”

Since its start, the multiple-choice contest on “Learning about digital transformation in Lang Son province in 2023” has received the attention and positive response of officials, civil servants, public employees, union members, members and all people in the province. During the 2 weeks of the contest (from July 3 to July 16, 2023), there have been 43,500 participants in the province with a total of more than 213,000 times. 14,800 of them have 10/10 correct answers, achieving the best score (100 points). Many agencies and units have a high number of contestants such as Bac Son, Van Lang, Chi Lang, Trang Dinh, Department of Education and Training, Department of Health, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Provincial State Treasury, Provincial Customs Department… The organizers have announced 2 first prizes, 4 second prizes, 6 third prizes and 10 forth prizes in 2 weeks of competition.

The contest has contributed to raising the awareness of cadres, civil servants, public employees and people of all walks of life in the province about digital transformation, thereby contributing to speeding up the process of digital transformation in the province.