Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son Trade Union – The mark of an impressive term

For the term 2018 – 2023, in the context of advantages and difficulties intertwined,  The Trade Union of Lang Son province has actively renewed the content and mode of operation, focusing on performing well the role of representative to protect legitimate rights and interests, take care of practical benefits for union members and workers, participate in building a comprehensively strong Party, government and trade union organization, contributing to building Lang Son province to develop quickly and sustainably.

Leader of the Provincial Labor Confederation gave gifts to workers and employees of Bao Long Co., Ltd (Cao Loc district)

The province currently has 14 district and city labor unions, sector unions and 1,312 grassroots trade unions with a total of 41,050 union members and affiliated trade unions.  With the goal of building a team of workers, officials and employees to meet the development requirements of the country, building a strong trade union organization with a focus on employees, right from the beginning of the 2018 -2023 term, the Provincial Confederation of Labor has closely followed the Resolution of the 12th Vietnam Trade Union Congress, the 16th Provincial Trade Union Congress’s Resolution for the 2018-2023 term to develop and issue a full-term action plan, operating regulations of the executive committee, standing committee, action plan to implement the resolutions of the congress; operating regulations of the inspection committee; assign permanent members, members of standing committees in charge of district, city and sector labor unions; strictly implement the principle of democratic centralism in directing and administering trade union activities.

The Standing Committee of the Provincial Labor Confederation has focused on directing trade unions at all levels to proactively send officials to follow the grassroots, promptly grasp the thoughts and aspirations of union members and employees, using the grassroots as the main operating area; enhance the role of representation, care and protection of the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees. At the same time, trade unions focus on developing union members and establishing grassroots trade unions; focus on implementing administrative reform in association with information technology application, digital transformation, improving the quality of trade union activities; actively participate in the formulation and implementation of grassroots democracy regulations; strengthen the negotiation and signing of collective labor agreements, organize dialogues at the workplace, supervise the implementation of regimes and policies, organize propaganda activities, provide legal advice, etc. Regulations and programs on coordination between trade unions, party committees, authorities, professionals at the same level, and employers have been strengthened, creating synchronism, timeliness and improving the efficiency of trade union activities.

Notably, in the past term, trade unions at all levels from the province to the grassroots have mobilized and concentrated resources to take care of union members and employees. The programs such as “Tet together”, ” Trade Union Tet Market”, “Worker’s Month”, “Welfare of trade union members” is maintained with many practical and diverse contents and forms with the motto “Where workers are difficult, there are unions”. Since then, it created a spillover effect in society and in union members and employees with over 128,930 union members, workers in difficult circumstances, suffering from labor accidents, fatal diseases, children of union members who are orphans and helpless workers, overcoming difficulties to rise up in their studies; union members, workers affected by natural disasters, fires… are supported with a total value of over 44 billion VND.

During the 2018-2023 term, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on employment and life of union members and employees. Compared to the previous term, the salary and income of employees did not increase. Faced with that situation, trade unions at all levels have closely followed the reality, grasped the situation to organize appropriate activities to help employees overcome difficulties, feel secure in their work, complete assigned tasks, contribute to the sustainable development of agencies, units and businesses. Specifically, from 2018 to now, the Provincial Labor Confederation has supported over 1,600 employees affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with an amount of over 1.6 billion VND; called to support workers and difficult workers in the southern provinces with the amount of over 1.3 billion VND. The labor unions of districts, city and sector unions have had many good ways to take care of and support union members and workers such as: visiting, giving gifts, giving “0 VND” meals to medical staff, doctors, COVID-19 patients, quarantined people… with a total value of more than 5 billion VND.

Leaders of the Provincial Labor Confederation visited the production situation of workers and employees of Vietnam –Japan DK Electric Vehicle One Member Co., Ltd (Cao Loc district) -Photo: Ngoc Hieu 

Charitable social activities have been effectively implemented by trade unions at all levels. The Provincial Labor Confederation Social Fund was donated and supported by a large number of union members and employees with an amount of over 5.4 billion VND. The Provincial Labor Confederation supported 156 union members to repair and build a new house “The Trade Union Shelter” with a total amount of over 4 billion VND; supported 273 union members in difficult circumstances and suffering from serious diseases with a total amount of 361 million VND. In particular, trade unions at all levels have actively mobilized provincial trade unions, union members and workers to join hands to support funding and working days to build a road to check milestones with a total amount of over 1.3 billion VND, contribute to promoting the role of trade unions and union members and workers in the construction of a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

In the past term, the patriotic emulation movement and the emulation and commendation work of trade unions have had many positive changes in both content and form, contributing to the fulfillment of political tasks, socio-economic development, consolidating national defense and security in the province. Emulation movements are always associated with political tasks and are concretized in accordance with each industry, field and conditions of each agency, unit or bussiness, attracting a large number of union members and employees. Highlights such as: emulation movement “Good labor, creative labor”, “Green, clean, beautiful, ensuring occupational safety and health”, ” Capable of national affairs and duteous at housework”, ” “Employees strive to overcome difficulties, be creative and determined to win the COVID-19 pandemic”; “The trade union accompanies for the sustainable development of businesses; for jobs and the lives of workers”… Through summarizing the emulation sessions, the whole province had 29 works, products and tasks recognized by the Provincial Labor Confederation and selected to attach a welcome sign; over 1,500 emulation works and products were recognized with a benefit value of over 3.8 billion VND; More than 13,600 topics and initiatives have been recognized with an economic benefit value of more than 6.3 billion VND…

Along with that, the Provincial Labor Confederation’s Standing Committee directed the trade unions at all levels to regularly pay attention and propose solutions to focus on directing the development of union members and the establishment of business trade unions outside the state sector. During the tenure, 36 new trade unions were established in units and enterprises outside the state sector, and 6,600 new trade union members were admitted, including 2,839 trade union members in the business sector (Achieve the target of the Resolution of the 16th Congress). The quality of trade union activities is improving. Annually, the percentage of grassroots trade unions that rank as strong and complete their tasks well or above on average reaches 91.3%. The immediate superior trade union at grassroots level has successfully completed its tasks and achieved 100% (exceeding the target of the Resolution of the 16th Congress).

In the context of many difficulties and challenges, but with the efforts of trade union officials, union members and employees, the provincial trade union continued to achieve many important results with 15/15 targets, the main groups of targets have all met and exceeded the resolutions of the Congress for the 2018-2023 term set out.

Promoting those results, in the term of 2023 – 2028, the Provincial Labor Confederation has clearly identified 3 breakthrough stages, 9 groups of annual targets, 3 groups of targets by 2028 with 9 groups of specific tasks and solutions. Thereby, it contributed to well performing the role of representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and employees; building a strong and comprehensive provincial trade union organization; acting as a “bridge”, keeping a close relationship between the Party committees and authorities at all levels, union members and workers; ; worthy to be the largest representative organization, the center for gathering and uniting workers and employees in the province; contribute to building a modern and strong working class, which is a pioneering force in the socio-economic development of the province and the country.

LY DUC THANH, Member of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial Labor Confederation