Friday,  09/20/2024

The secret of how to effectively study for the exam of the valedictorian in the high school graduation exam in Lang Son province

With a total of 50.05 points, Lanh Cao Phong, Tay ethnic, native of Loc Binh district, student of class 12A2 (school year 2022 – 2023) in Chu Van An Gifted High School of Lang Son city excellently became the valedictorian in the high school graduation exam in Lang Son province. And Phong also has the highest total score of 3 subjects in block A01 in the province, specifically, Math 9.00; Physics 9.50; English 9.80.

Lanh Cao Phong – valedictorian in the provincial high school graduation exam in 2023

Those results came from the efforts and the scientific way of study for exams of Lanh Cao Phong. Phong shared,  he felt quite surprised when coming to know that he was the one with the highest total score of all subjects in Lang Son province, because except for 3 subjects in block A01 (Math, Physics, English), his performance in other subjects were not as good as he had expected.

Phong always won the title of excellent student during his high school years. In order to achieve good academic results, as a student majoring in math, Phong always listens to lectures from teachers to master the lessons in class. After school, Phong worked hard on the homework, along with learning new difficult types of math problems, he tried to find answers on the internet, in books and newspapers in order to further extend his knowledge.

When asked about the secret of scoring high in the exam, Phong said: “The most important thing in study is to understand the nature of a problem. In addition to lectures in class, I use the Internet to search for more information at home. I spend a lot of time researching different types of exercises and how to solve difficult problems. In addition, it is necessary to do a lot of mock test to master the structure of the exam paper as well as consolidate the knowledge that has been imparted by the teacher. It is also important to build yourself a reasonable timetable, avoiding spend all the time studying, students should participate in entertaining activities to relax, preventing pressure in studying.”

Ms. Doan Thi Thanh Nhan, teacher of Chu Van High School for the Gifted, head teacher of Phong’s class gave many compliments to her student: “Phong is a student with good academic standing in all subjects, and he is always serious with any assigned tasks. Moreover, as Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Phong always takes the lead and guides his peers to well implement the union’s movements and activities. Phong is very gentle and is trusted and loved by his friends. I was very happy and proud at Phong’s achievement. This result is worthy of his efforts, I believe Phong will achieve more success in the future.”

After a period of hard study, with the results achieved in the recent high school graduation exam in 2023, Phong applied for Computer Science in Hanoi University of Science and Technology as follows he wished.

Hopefully, the effort in studying will help Phong achieve even better results on the upcoming journey.