Friday,  09/20/2024

Opening the model “Zalo providing information about the law on exit and entry of Lang Son province”

On the morning of August 29, the Provincial Public Security Department held a conference to open the model “Zalo providing information about the law on exit and entry of Lang Son province” in the movement “All people protect national security”. The conference was held online connecting to Provincial Public Security Divisions of10 districts and Lang Son city.

Delegates attending the conference at the Provincial Public Security Department

Attending the conference at the Provincial Public Security Department were the leaders of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, the Provincial Border Guard Command, the Provincial Youth Union, and specialized divisions of the Provincial Public Security Department.

“Zalo providing information about the law on exit and entry of Lang Son province” is a clever model of the police force with the aim of providing information and supporting to raise awareness and responsibility of the people in the province in  complying with the Law on exit and entry of Vietnamese citizens; Law on exit, entry, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam; Q&A related to the provisions of the law, violations and punishments of the authorities; it will not allow to post comments, images, videos that are reactionary, contrary to fine customs and traditions, inappropriate, unrelated to the content of the work…

The leader of the Division of Cybersecurity and High-Tech Crime Prevention under the Provincial Public Security Department addresses the conference

At the conference, delegates at all locations agreed on the building of the model, and discussed the contents related to passwords, administrators, the approval of group members, the cooperation in information exchange on prevention of illegal entry and exit, foreigner residence management in the area, protection of State secrets…

The leaders of the Provincial Public Security Department asked the police of districts and Lang Son city to soon operate the model. Thereby, it can capture public opinion, promptly answer to people’s questions and opinions on information related to entry and exit; detect and prevent cases of ineligibility for entry and exit and handle violations; periodically review and summarize in order to evaluate the results, point out limitations, causes and solutions.