Friday,  09/20/2024

Senior Lieutenant Chu Van Bao – An enthusiastic and responsible movement officer

Enthusiastic, dedicated, responsible for work, close to the party, close to the People – that is the comment of the unit’s leaders and colleagues about Senior Lieutenant Chu Van Bao, Movement Building Team of agencies, businesses, schools, Division for the Development of “National Security Protection” Movement, Provincial Public Security.

Senior Lieutenant Chu Van Bao propagates the law on ensuring traffic order and safety at the facility

Senior Lieutenant Chu Van Bao was born in 1993. In 2016, after graduating from the People’s Security Academy, he returned to work at the Division for the Development of “National Security Protection” Movement of the Provincial Public Security and was assigned to be in charge of building and replicating advanced models and examples in the movement and guiding the work of building the movement among agencies, businesses, and educational institutions.

Talking about work, Mr. Chu Van Bao said: As a young officer, I always determine that I must always improve my knowledge, learn skills and work experience from colleagues to advise and perform well in all aspects of the assigned work. Every year, I spend a lot of time going to the grassroots, advising on building appropriate models for each area. With the motto “Doing, adjusting, consolidating and perfecting”, the point models are gradually being replicated in the area.

As a result, from 2022 up to now, Senior Lieutenant Chu Van Bao has advised the leaders of the Division for the Development of “National Security Protection” Movement to advise the Provincial Public Security leaders to promulgate 30 programs, plans and dispatches to urge, guide and coordinate in implementing the movement and building models. For example, he has advised and coordinated the building of models such as: Monitoring and inspection team to ensure security and order, safety at the agencies of Lang Son”; “Security Board for Lang Son Schools”; “Strike team to prevent domestic violence, sensitize and educate people who have completed prison sentences, people serving suspended sentences, non-custodial reform for peace in border areas”… Thanks to that, up to now the whole province has built and maintained 85 models of self-defense, self-protection, and self-reconciliation regarding security and order. Through the models, on average each year, people provide over 800 valuable sources of information for the functional forces to investigate and resolve incidents; Mediated over 800 conflicts in the community.

In addition, Mr. Chu Van Bao has actively coordinated and advised and proposed to organize training classes for the city’s security forces, agencies, businesses, schools, and prestigious people; Constantly innovate the content and forms of legal propaganda at the grassroots, bringing practical results. From 2022 up to now, we have coordinated to organize 17 training classes and directly propagated the law at the grassroots level for 14 sessions.

Lieutenant Colonel Tran Quoc Tien, Head of the Division for the Development of “National Security Protection” Movement of the Provincial Public Security commented: Lieutenant Chu Van Bao is a young officer with ability, strong professional qualifications, enthusiasm, responsibility in work, many initiatives, effective ways of doing things, actively going to the grassroots, close and open with people; sociable and actively support comrades and teammates. He is currently the Secretary of the Youth Union Branch of the Division for the Development of “National Security Protection” Movement – Inspector, Provincial Public Security; Secretary of the Editorial Board of Commune Police and Civil Protection News. In any position, Mr. Bao always completes all assigned tasks and is trusted by unit leaders and superiors.

Recognizing the efforts and results achieved, he has been awarded the title of “grassroots emulation fighter” for many years; rewarded by all levels and sectors. In particular, in April 2023, he was awarded a certificate of merit by the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for his outstanding achievements in the emulation to celebrate the 75th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s six teachings for Public Security force. and 75 years of the traditional day of building the People’s Police force (11/3/1948 – 11/3/2023). In July 2023, he was awarded a certificate of merit by the Minister of Public Security for his outstanding achievements in building advanced models and examples in the movement of all people to protect national security in ethnic minority areas in the Northwest region and the surrounding areas in the period of 2018 – 2023.

Talking about the achievements, Senior Lieutenant Chu Van Bao shared: Youth is a dream, ambition and desire to contribute, I always keep in mind:  I must “live and work hard”, strive to successfully complete all assigned tasks. Thereby, I can contribute to beautifying the image of People’s Public Security soldiers in general, and Lang Son Police force in particular, meeting all mission requirements in the new situation.