Friday,  09/20/2024

3-time winner of the “Reading Culture Ambassador” Contest

Participating in the 2023 “Reading Culture Ambassador” contest, Hoang Thi Tra My, class 8C, To Hieu Secondary School, Binh Gia district won the first prize. This is the third time in a row that Tra My has participated and won a prize at the “Reading Culture Ambassador” contest.

Student Hoang Thi Tra My (on the right)

Mr. Phan Van Hoa, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism (VHTTDL), Head of the Competition Jury said: After 3 years of organization, the “Reading Culture Ambassador” contest has been a useful playground to arouse interest and passion for reading among teenagers and children…  Most of this year’s entries demonstrate excellence and impressiveness in ideas, selection of books to share, and writing content that demonstrates the students’ creativity. Among them, we were really impressed with Hoang Thi Tra My’s article. Contest entries are invested in both form and content, creating sympathy and spreading the value of the book to readers.

Coming to this year’s contest, Tra My introduces to everyone the book that she likes, “Behind a child who understands things”. This is a story told by the Union Secretary of a school. The story is about her and her volunteer group’s volunteer trip in a highland district. There she met a little girl named Anh Duong who was in difficult circumstances, her mother died, her father was often drunk, she had to go to school by herself and look after her younger brother, but she was very understanding and overcame herself, but due to poor health, that younger brother passed away. When she returned to the city, the Union Secretary wrote a book about the life and aspirations of little Anh Duong. Through this story, Hoang Thi Tra My wants many people to know the book, thereby helping people love life more, be happy, optimistic, and strive to overcome difficulties to overcome themselves.

Tra My shared: From a young age, my mother read meaningful stories to me. When I learned to read, my mother often bought books with good, age-appropriate content for me to read after stressful school hours, thereby forming a reading habit in me. For the “Reading Culture Ambassador” contest in the first year (in 2021), I won second prize at the contest, in 2022 and 2023 I won first prize. That is not only a great encouragement for me but also gives me more motivation to read more and share more good books.

At school, Tra My often inspires her peers to be more interested in reading by telling them the good books she has read, inviting them to go to the school library, encouraging students to build small bookcases right in their classrooms… Tra My hopes that in the future, she will participate in more activities related to books and reading culture to contribute her small contribution to spreading the practical benefits of reading, help her friends become more aware of the importance of reading, so that reading culture is increasingly spread in the community.

Mrs. Hoang Thi Ngan, Principal of To Hieu Secondary School, Binh Gia district, said: Tra My is a student who is eager to learn and knows how to listen. For many years in a row, she has won the title of excellent student and actively participates in competitions organized by the school. At school and in class, she is a “reading culture ambassador” who regularly shares with my friends about my favorite books, encouraging them to read and love books more.