Friday,  09/20/2024

Responding to Vietnam Law Day: Diverse activities, spreading widely

Responding to Vietnam Law Day (November 9), recently, many agencies and units in the province have organized a variety of activities. Thereby, spreading the spirit of learning about the law, contributing to raising awareness and sense of law observance among officials, party members and people in the province.

Officers of Department of Justice propagate the law to the people of Cao Loc district 

The 2012 Law on Legal Popularization and Education stipulates that “November 9 of every year is Law Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”. In the province, activities to respond to Vietnam Law Day 2023 focus on October and November; peak from November 1 to November 9.

Actively respond to law day 

On October 26, 2023, Loc Binh District Justice Division coordinated with Tu Doan Commune People’s Committee to organize a Law Learning Competition to respond to Vietnam Law Day. The contest attracted teams from 14/15 villages of the commune to participate. Mr. Hoang Van Hoan, Secretary of Party Cell and Head of Po Moi Village, Tu Doan Commune, said: In the contest, we went through three parts: answering multiple-choice questions, quick Q&A, and talent. Through the contest, we improved our understanding of many legal provisions related to people’s lives. At the same time, we were able to exchange and learn experiences with other villages, thereby applying them into practice to propagate the law and conciliate at the grassroots level. Po Moi village currently has more than 100 households, more than 400 people. Over the years, families in the village have always strictly complied with the provisions of the law, with the annual rate of cultural families reaching over 90%.

Dong Dang town, Cao Loc district is a border area with an important position in socio-economic development, In recent years, the Party Committee and town authorities have always paid attention to the Law on Legal Popularization and Education and maintained activities to respond to Vietnam Law Day. Mrs. Phuong Thanh Loan, judicial officer – civil status of Dong Dang town said: To respond to Vietnam Law Day every year, I advise the leaders of the Town People’s Committee to coordinate with agencies and units in the area to organize conferences to propagate laws related to the border and new laws taking effect. For example, on November 7, 2023, the Town People’s Committee organized a conference on  Popularizing legal education in response to the 2023 Vietnam Law Day, with more than 150 delegates attending. At the conference, people heard propaganda about: the 2012 Law on Legal Popularization and Education, the meaning of Vietnam Law Day; border laws… Not only on Law Day, we regularly maintain popularizing legal education activities. From the beginning of the year until now, the town has coordinated to organize over 150 popularizing legal education discussion sessions for thousands of listeners.

The above are just two of many activities in response to the 2023 Vietnam Law Day throughout the province. At many agencies and units from provinces to grassroots, there are activities to promote law propaganda and practically respond to Vietnam Law Day. It is known that up to now, 100% of departments, branches, sectors, unions, and People’s Committees of districts and city have thoroughly organized and issued plans to respond to the 2023 Vietnam Law Day. This is an extensive political and legal activity, a highlight in the annual popularizing legal education work.

Mr. Hoang Van Quyen, Head of Binh Gia District Justice Division, said: Since July 2023, we have advised the District People’s Committee to issue a plan to respond to Vietnam Law Day. Accordingly, agencies and units in the district all responded to Law Day with flexible and diverse activities. It focused on innovating and diversifying grassroots-oriented forms, promoting the application of information technology, and strengthening Popularizing legal education and education in mass media; base radio system; electronic information; propaganda through social networks; competition to learn about the law; integrated into public service activities of officials and civil servants… In August, 2023, the district successfully organized the 4th Good Mediator Contest with 19/19 communes and towns participating, this is also an activity within the framework of responding to Law Day…

People of Tu Doan commune, Loc Binh district participate in the Law Learning Contest in response to Vietnam Law Day

Making Law Day a regular activity

The main purpose of organizing activities to respond to Law Day is to create habits and routines in legal activities; promote positivity and regularly self-study and learn about the law; create a change in the sense of compliance and law observance of officials, civil servants, public employees, workers and the People. Therefore, all levels and sectors in the province always pay attention to innovating legal education work, strengthening bringing the law to the grassroots, especially on the occasion of responding to Law Day. From 2021 up to now, on average each year, in response to Law Day, agencies and units in the province have organized over 1,000 conferences, seminars, competitions to learn about law, and collect legal information, attracted over 80,000 listeners. Diverse response activities such as: Hanging slogan banners, seminars, conferences, rallies, combining summaries of law enforcement, praising and rewarding typical individuals and groups in popularizing legal education… Typically: The Provincial Border Guard Command organizes propaganda of legal documents and policies for officers and soldiers, through foreign affairs, entry and exit activities at border gates, and mobile propaganda; The Department of Education and Training selects a unit to direct the response to Law Day, schools organize extracurricular programs to learn about law; The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism conducts mobile propaganda, hangs banners and slogans on main roads and densely populated areas; The People’s Court and the People’s Procuracy at all levels coordinate to organize mock trials at schools, mobile trials… Thereby, it attracted the attention of the entire society about the purpose and meaning of Law Day, making Law Day an extensive political and legal activity; contributing to creating new changes in the quality of legal education work and improving the effectiveness of law enforcement.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son, Director of the Department of Justice, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial Legal Popularization and Education Coordination Council said: Implementing the 2012 Law on Popularizing legal education; official dispatch of the Ministry of Justice on instructions to respond to the Law Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2023, we have advised the Provincial People’s Committee to issue an organization plan to respond to Vietnam Law Day in the province. Activities to respond to Law Day have been actively responded to by all levels and sectors with many diverse activities. This year, on November 8, the provincial level organized a launch to respond to Law Day in association with summarizing 10 years of implementing the Law on Conciliation at the grassroots level. Thereby the event honored and rewarded groups and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in implementing the Law on Conciliation at the grassroots level, in period of 2013 – 2023. In recent years, the response to Vietnam Law Day in the province has become increasingly in-depth and effective, contribute to creating changes in the sense of law observance of officials, party members and people, promoting socio-economic development in the province.

Notably in response to Law Day are a number of agencies and units in the province that have maintained weekly and monthly Law Day activities such as: Provincial People’s Court 1 day/week; Department of Justice once a month; Hoang Van Thu Political School once a month… Mrs. Chu Le Huong, Chief Justice of the Provincial People’s Court said: With our assigned roles and tasks, not only on the occasion of November, 9th  but we regularly maintain Law Day activities. Every week, we organize online legal activities from the Provincial to District People’s Courts, to promptly implement new legal documents; resolve problems and learn from experience in adjudicating various types of cases. From regular and continuous legal activities and self-study, officers and civil servants of the People’s Courts at two levels firmly grasp the provisions of the law, contributing to performing their work tasks well. For example, in the first 9 months of 2023, the two-level People’s Courts in the province resolved 2,828/2,856 cases and matters of all kinds, reaching an overall rate of 99%; organized over 60 mobile court hearings in areas where cases occurred and schools to handle legal action. Thereby, it contributed to maintaining political security, social order and safety in the area.

With diverse and practical activities, the response to Law Day has created a deep and wide spread in the community. Responding to Law Day has become a regular and continuous activity. The observance and response is not only during peak times, on Law Day, but also well done on all days of the year. In the coming time, all levels and sectors will continue to innovate and improve the quality of legal education work so that each person lives and works according to the Constitution and the law. This is the most practical way to respond to Vietnam Law Day.