Friday,  09/20/2024

Launching support for the 2024 Lunar New Year Humanitarian Fund and Tet of Compassion Movement

On the morning of January 16, the Provincial People’s Committee organized a launching program to support the 2024 Lunar New Year Humanitarian Fund and Tet of Compassion Movement.

Attending the program were Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen; Leader of the Central Vietnam Red Cross Society along with leaders of departments, sectors and commissions of the province, leaders of organizations, businesses, and philanthropists.

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen speaks at the program

Speaking at the program, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged and praised the positive contributions, concern, and sharing of difficulties from all levels, industries, businesses, philanthropists and all walks of life who have joined hands for humanitarian work in recent years. Thereby, hey have helped thousands of people in difficult circumstances ease their hardships and rise up in life. He also quickly informed that the whole province currently has over 12,000 poor households (accounting for 6.02%) and over 18,000 near-poor households (accounting for 8.96%), over 13,000 people with disabilities, more than 2,600 children with special circumstances… are in dire need of help from the entire society.

The Vice Chairman launched and called on agencies, units, organizations, businesses, benefactors inside and outside the province and all officials, civil servants, public employees, and people throughout the province to continue with the Party Committee, governments at all levels to join hands to support the Tet of Compassion Movement to help disadvantaged people in society overcome difficulties, stabilize their lives and in the immediate future, there are more conditions to enjoy Spring and celebrate the traditional 2024 Lunar New Year more fully. At the same time, support the Provincial Humanitarian Fund to have proactive resources to support unexpected cases when there are natural disasters, pandemics and other emergency situations in the province.

He requested all levels of Party committees and authorities to strengthen the direction of agencies, commissions, sectors, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations to have plans to coordinate with the Red Cross at all levels to effectively implement the movement and the use of received support funds is guaranteed to be public, transparent, for the right purpose, for the right subjects, and in accordance with the provisions of law. The Provincial Red Cross Society continues to be a reliable address for people from all walks of life inside and outside the province as well as the Vietnamese community abroad to place their trust and share contributions in humanitarian activities. At the same time, continue to strengthen coordination with media agencies to promote propaganda, advocacy, and timely praise of organizations and individuals with achievements in supporting the Tet of Compassion Movement.

Leader of the Provincial Red Cross Society receives board of supporting the Tet of Compassion Movement from businesses at the program

At the program, leaders of the Provincial Red Cross Society read a letter calling for the Launch of Support for the 2024 Lunar New Year Humanitarian Fund and Tet of Compassion Movement. Accordingly, the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and Fatherland Front Committee of the province call for active and effective contributions from all levels of party committees, authorities, departments, commissions, sectors, Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, agencies, units, armed forces, schools and social, humanitarian, charity organizations, businesses, philanthropists inside and outside the province, with the highest compassion and responsibility, continue to take specific and practical actions to support the movement to share and support the poor, people with disabilities, policy families, victims of Agent Orange, people in difficult circumstances…have more conditions for everyone to enjoy Spring, welcome Tet, and strive to excel in life. Campaign period is from January 2024 to February 5, 2024.

The program has attracted a large number of organizations, units, and businesses inside and outside the province, as well as volunteer groups, clubs, and benefactors who donated to support the Humanitarian Fund and the Tet of Compassion Movement have registered and committed to accompany the movement with a total value of over 6.2 billion VND. At the same time, the program’s organizing committee awarded honorary plaques to organizations, units, businesses, and benefactors for supporting the 2024 Lunar New Year Humanitarian Fund and Tet of Compassion Movement.

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen presents a plaque of honor to the unit supporting the 2024 Lunar New Year Tet of Compassion Movement

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen supports the 2024 Humanitarian Fund at the program

On this occasion, the program organizer donated 30 gifts to poor households and students in particularly difficult circumstances. Each gift is worth 500,000 VND including gift and cash. At the same time, organizations, agencies, units, businesses and philanthropists supported the Humanitarian Fund reaching over 188 million VND.

Central leader of the Vietnam Red Cross Society presents Tet gifts to students in difficult circumstances at the program

Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen presents Tet gifts to poor households at the program

Leader of the Provincial Red Cross Society presents Tet gifts to poor students at the program