Thursday,  09/19/2024

The Youth participating in digital transformation: Promoting the pioneering role of youth

Fully aware of the importance of digital transformation, on September 28, 2021, the Provincial Party Standing Committee issued Resolution No. 49 on digital transformation of Lang Son province until 2025, with a vision to 2030, implementing policies on digital transformation at all levels and sectors, including the youth union. With enthusiasm and acumen in approaching science and technology, all levels of youth unions across the province have promoted the spirit of impetus in digital transformation with many practical actions, bringing positive results.

The contest organizing committee awarded prizes to the first prize winner of the “Youth with Digital Transformation” contest organized by the Youth Union of Provincial Agencies Bloc

Mr. Doan Thanh Cong, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union said: Implementing the policy of the Provincial Party Committee and the plan of the Central Youth Union, in 2022, the Provincial Youth Union and the Department of Information and Communications signed a cooperation program on promoting the implementation of digital transformation in 2022. Implementing digital transformation activities, the Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee has directed 100% of districts, city unions, and affiliated unions to promote the implementation of digital technology application activities in organizing and implementing revolutionary movements of the union; encourage units to implement digital applications to serve union, association and team work activities. The year 2023 was determined by the Central Youth Union as the year of digital transformation of the union’s activities. Accordingly, the Provincial Youth Union Standing Committee directed district and commune-level union organizations to deploy union membership management software. This is union member management software that completely digitizes data of union members and youth , connect seamlessly with the Vietnam Youth application, thereby, helping management levels grasp specific data on newly admitted union members, members moving in or out, the implementation of training programs for union members, and classification of union members. Through this software, union members themselves can also look up their information. During the year, the Provincial Youth Union also launched a portal to promote, introduce and connect startup products of Lang Son youth, helping youth connect, promote and consume products.

Members of March, 26 Youth Union (Provincial Youth Union), demonstrate how to sell online on social networking platforms at the 2023 “Youth with digital transformation” contest

Promoting the role of the Youth Union in bringing digital platforms, digital applications, and digital skills to people and businesses in the province, in 2022, the Provincial Youth Union has directed units to select youth members to join the community digital technology group. Thereby, the whole province has built a network of more than 1,600 youth members who love technology, are quick to apply digital platforms… participating in community digital technology groups. In order for youth members to understand the policy on digital transformation and digital skills, the Provincial Youth Union has coordinated to organize training for members of community digital technology groups in the province. At the same time, the Union created Zalo groups of the province, district, and village and commune so that members of the community digital technology team promptly exchange, share and receive answers to difficulties and problems in the process of supporting the implementation of digital applications. After being trained, members of community digital technology groups proactively guided people to install and use digital applications, buy and sell on e-commerce platforms, and use online public services…

Mrs. Hoang Thu Hang, member of the community digital technology team in Bac Xa commune, Dinh Lap district said: In 2022 and 2023, I have supported more than 100 people in the commune to install and use digital applications such as Digital citizen of Xu Lang, non-cash payment account, e-wallet, electronic health book, personal identification account. These applications are all very practical for daily activities, so people have actively researched and asked for support in installing and using them.

In particular, during the implementation of installing VneID electronic identification accounts in early 2023, at all levels, the Union organized more than 50 clubs, groups, teams with over 7,000 youth members to coordinate with the police force to guide people to install and activate VneID electronic identification accounts.

Mr. Hoang Van Soan, Dai Dong commune, Trang Dinh district shared: With the propaganda and guidance of young people, I have developed many very useful digital applications. Thanks to that, when I go to the market, I can transfer money on my phone to buy goods instead of cash; when I go to the doctor, I only need to bring my smartphone because my personal information has been integrated into digital applications… Thanks to these applications, I find many activities in life become more convenient and easier.

At the district level, districts, unions and affiliated unions have promoted their role in building and implementing many digital applications to serve people, businesses and children. Specifically, from 2022 until now, Lang Son Youth Union launches handbook to prevent and avoid school drug abuse, prevent and combat accidents and injuries, travel guidebook in Lang Son city, online information page on Zalo “Youth of Lang Son city”; Huu Lung District Youth Union organized an online running competition “Huu Lung peaceful beauty”, model “Digital library for children”; Cao Loc District Youth Union deployed the “Community Digital Library” model to help people look up administrative procedures, entertainment and the 4.0 market model;… In addition, to spread the spirit of digital transformation to youth and people from all walks of life in the province, In 2023, the Youth Union of provincial agencies organized the contest “Youth with digital transformation”; Loc Binh District Youth Union organized a propaganda conference to respond to National Digital Transformation Day…

Mr. Luong Dinh Chung, Secretary of Lang Son Youth Union, shared: Implementing activities to participate in digital transformation, the Youth Union has assigned staff to learn how to build and deploy digital applications. On that basis, we have built two handbooks to equip students with knowledge and skills; 1 travel handbook, 1 information page of the Youth Union. After completing the digital handbooks, the information page has become a living document for youth unions, helping union members and children easily access information.

From 2023 up to now, unions at all levels across the province have updated information of nearly 50,000 union members (reaching 98.7%) on the union member management software; 100% of union members are evaluated and ranked on the union member management software; 100% of union member management operations are performed on software; 98% of union members use the Vietnam Youth application. The joint efforts and companionship of many youth members in the province have actively contributed to the digital transformation of the province, specifically, supporting the installation of VneID electronic identity accounts for over 440 thousand people; supporting for activating VneID electronic identity accounts for over 305 thousand people; supporting bringing more than 20 thousand agricultural products of farmers to the e-commerce platform; supporting the installation of over 630 thousand digital accounts (Xu Lang digital citizens, electronic payment accounts, accounts for buying and selling on e-commerce platforms)… The digital applications deployed by districts and unions have promoted positive effects in life and training.