Friday,  09/20/2024

Sticky rice with magenta leaves: An idyllic gift from Lang Son

Magenta leaf sticky rice is a typical sticky rice dish of the Tay, Nung ethnic group in Lang Son. From the rustic, idyllic, country-style ingredients such as Magenta leaves, glutinous rice, through the skillful hands of the people, a sticky rice dish with eye-catching colors has been created.

In order to learn about the traditional process of making Magenta leaf sticky rice, we had the opportunity to visit the family of Mrs. Lao Thi Dau, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city, who has been engaged in making sticky rice for many years. While busy preparing ingredients, Mrs. Dau shared: I was born and raised in the countryside in Nhat Hoa commune, Bac Son district. From an early age, my mother taught me how to make traditional sticky rice with magenta leaves of the Tay ethnic group. The typical Magenta leaf sticky rice of Lang Son are usually blue in color. This is also the point that makes a difference compared to purple sticky rice in some other localities. The main ingredients for making sticky rice are glutinous rice, Magenta leaves and ash. Previously, I made Magenta leaf sticky rice mainly to serve my family, but about 4 years ago, meeting the increasing demands of customers, I started making Magenta leaf sticky rice for sale. On average, every day, I sell from 7 to 9 kg of finished sticky rice for 70,000 VND/kg.

Mrs. Lao Thi Dau, Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city packed sticky rice with Magenta leaves

The selection of ingredients plays a very important role, deciding the taste and color of sticky rice, so it requires the worker to be very careful and meticulous. Accordingly, the characteristic blue color of Lang Son sticky rice is created from the combination of Magenta leaf and ash. First of all, the leaves used to make sticky rice must be big, fresh leaves, washed with water and chopped. As for the ash, it must be the ash of sticky rice straw, filtered many times so that the ash is smooth and free of impurities. After completing the preliminary processing of the above two ingredients, the maker will mix the ash with the pre-chopped Magenta leaves and put it in the pedal mill until it is fine, blended together. Next, the maker of sticky rice will filter many times to get a dark purple juice. This process usually takes a long time, about 2 to 3 hours.

The rice used to make sticky rice must be sticky rice with yellow flowers in Bac Son district. Rice grains must be large, round and glossy. This type of rice is not only famous for its delicious taste, but when the grain is very clear, soft without being crushed, it is very suitable for making sticky rice. Before processing, glutinous rice will be soaked in water for about 4 hours. After that, the cook continues to soak the rice with Magenta leaf juice for another 4 hours. This is also the period of witnessing the miraculous color change. From the original purple color, after filtering and settling for a while, the juice of  Magenta leaves begins to turn blue. White rice is soaked together so that it gives a very beautiful blue color, completely natural, ensuring food safety.

After completing all the steps, the sticky rice maker will put the rice in the pot and bring it to the kitchen for about 30 minutes. Before cooking, they have to use chopsticks to make small holes in the surface of the rice so that the steam spreads evenly to help the glutinous rice ripen more thoroughly.

Magenta leaf sticky rice after being cooked retain their eye-catching blue color and are eaten with peanut salt to add spice

Normally, sticky rice with Magenta leaves will be eaten with peanut salt to add flavor and create attractiveness for sticky rice. Accordingly, people will roast peanuts on low heat for about 20 minutes until the peanuts are fragrant, the skin is dark and cracked. Next, the peanuts are incubated in newspaper to absorb all the moisture, making the peanuts more crispy. Finally, it is crushed, mixed with a moderate amount of salt.

After being cooked, Magenta leaf sticky rice will retain the blue color with the aromatic flavor of glutinous rice, the cool taste of ash and the rich taste of peanut salt. With a passionate flavor, bold country spirit, the sticky rice have received the love of many diners. Accordingly, not only the children of Lang Son but also many customers outside the province such as Hanoi, Bac Ninh, Bac Giang … also love and buy this unique sticky rice dish.

Mr. Le Dong Bach, Dong Da district, Hanoi city said: During a business trip to Lang Son, I had the opportunity to enjoy sticky rice with Magenta leaves. I was impressed with the delicious, light taste of sticky rice. I am also very comfortable knowing that the color of sticky rice is made from pure natural ingredients. Therefore, every time I have the opportunity to come to Lang Son, I often buy it to enjoy or give it to friends and colleagues.

Mr. Hoang Van Pao, Chairman of the Provincial Cultural Heritage Association shared: Magenta leaf sticky rice, also known as Magenta sticky rice, is a dish that has existed for a long time of the Tay and Nung ethnic groups. According to Oriental medicine, the leaves are a cool plant, effective in treating respiratory diseases. In the past, sticky rice with Magenta leaves was a convenient dish, carried by the highlanders to the forest and upland fields, but today to serve the culinary needs of diners, Magenta leaf sticky rice has gradually become familiar on wedding trays, worshiping ancestors… and is also widely sold as a breakfast dish, a familiar gift of many people in Lang Son province.

With simple and rustic ingredients, people have created a dish of sticky rice with the typical flavor of the border region. And perhaps, it is the rustic, bold taste of the countryside that has successfully conquered the taste of many people and turned sticky rice into a famous gift of tourists when coming to Lang Son.