Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son organized the Red Journey “The Red Drop of Xu Lang” in 2020

(LSO) – On July 18, the Central Organizing Committee of the Red Journey and the Provincial Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation co-organized the opening ceremony of the the Red Journey “The Red Drop of Xu Lang” in 2020

The program was attended by Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council; Honorary President of the Provincial Red Cross; Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation (VBD); leaders of Vietnam Central Red Cross; leaders of departments, commissions, and sectors of the province.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People’s Council visited and presented gifts for children at the Provincial General Hospital

The Red Journey program is a campaign to promote blood donation and propagate about Congenital hemolytic anemia (Thalassemia) across Vietnam. In 2020, the Red Journey will be organized in 42 provinces and cities, expected to engage and receive over 50,000 blood units. In Lang Son, this is the 7th year in a row the Red Journey program are organized

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee appreciated and noted that typical collectives, individuals and families have made positive contributions to the province’s voluntary blood donation movement.

The Organizing Committee of the Red Journey presented a souvenir flag to the Steering Committee for voluntary blood donation in Lang Son province

He suggested that the Party committees and authorities at all levels continue to promote the propaganda of the noble purpose and meaning of the voluntary blood donation movement; well organize blood donation festivals and blood donation points. At the same time, all levels and sectors need to pay attention to timely honor and reward collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in the voluntary blood donation movement. Organizations, collectives and individuals should continue to respond to the voluntary blood donation movement by practical actions with the motto “All for a healthy community”.

The National Steering Committee for voluntary blood donation with leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee visited and encouraged blood donors

Volunteers participated in blood donation at the blood donation day

At the program, numerous people resigned to donate blood. Through examination and test, there are 670 people eligible to donate blood, equivalent to 670 blood units.

This amount of blood along with the number of blood units in response to the Red Journey in the districts of Loc Binh, Chi Lang, Huu Lung, Cao Loc reached a total of 1,993 blood units (193 units exceed the plan).

Afterwards, the Organizing Committee of the program visited and presented 10 gifts to 10 patients with congenital hemolytic anemia being treated at the Provincial General Hospital, each worth 1.2 million VND.