Friday,  09/20/2024

Bac Son District Party Committee held the Congress for the term 2020-2025

(LSO) – On August 11, 2020, Bac Son District Party Committee solemnly organized the congress for the 2020-2025 term.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council attended and directed the congress.

The political report and the review report presented at the congress clearly stated that in the 2015-2020 term, Bac Son District Party Committee has completed and exceeded 19 out of 19 targets set out in the 21st District Party Congress Resolutions.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council presented flowers to congratulate the congress

The district’s economy continues to maintain a fairly good growth rate, the average economic growth rate in the 2016-2020 period reaches 9.08%. The rural construction program has changed positively. In the 2016-2020 period, the whole district has 9 out of 19 communes meeting new rural standards.

Especially tourism, trade and service sectors have comprehensively developed. Community-based tourism, ecotourism sites and revolutionary monuments have attracted more than 350 thousand visitors, tourism revenue is over 82 billion VND. The rate of poor households in the whole district had decreased to 12.14% by the end of 2019.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council delivered a speech to direct the congress

The party building and the political system building are focused. During the term, the District Party Committee has admitted 1,099 party members. In the term, in the whole district, 83 individuals and collectives have been rewarded by the central, provincial and district levels for well performing the Politburo’s Directive No.5 on promoting the learning and following of Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style.

The congress focused on analyzing and forecasting the situation in the coming time, proposing solutions for the implementation of 18 targets in all fields in the 2020-2025 term.

The delegates voted for Bac Son District Party Executive Committee, term 2020-2025

Speaking at the congress, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee highly appreciated the achievements of Bac Son District Party Committee, authorities and people of all ethnic groups in the past term.

He emphasized that entering a new stage of development with many challenges and expectations, Bac Son District Party Committee needs to fully exploit and bring into play its potentials and strengths, and well mobilize resources for the rapid and sustainable development in the following years.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council took a souvenir photo with Bac Son District Party Executive Committee for the 2020-2025 term

The District Party Committees and authorities need to research and learn from good models and effective ways to synchronously implement socio-economic development solutions in association with ensuring national defense – security, the party building, the political system building in the coming period.

In addition, the district should continue to promote investment attraction in constructing infrastructure, boost agricultural restructuring in association with the processing industry. In particular, the district needs to exploit potentials and advantages to create breakthroughs in services and tourism development in both size and quality; taking ecotourism and community-based tourism as the center to develop resort tourism, experience tourism products, in association with promoting cultural identities of ethnic groups. In parallel with that, the district should pay attention to preserving and protecting the ecological environment and landscape for the sustainable development and so on.

The delegates voted for the adoption of  the congress resolutions

The congress elected the District Party Executive Committee for the 2020-2025 term. At the first meeting of the District Party Executive Committee, Mr. Hoang Van Tao, Secretary of the 21st District Party Committee was elected to hold the Secretary of the District Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.

The congress elected the delegation to attend the 17th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025; voting for the adoption of the Resolutions and the Action Program to implement the Congress Resolutions.