Friday,  09/20/2024

The Party Congress of Loc Binh District, term 2020-2025: Socio-economic development associated with national defense and security assurance

(LSO) – This is the direction of Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council at the 23rd  Party Congress of Loc Binh District, term 2020 – 2025 on August 7, 2020.

Attending the meeting were Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Standing Committee Member of Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee; other  Standing Committee Members of the Provincial Party Committee, leaders of some departments and branches of the province and 247 delegates representing more than 5,800 party members in branches and party committees of district party committee.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council presented flowers to congratulate the Congress

In the term 2015 – 2020, the Party Committee, authority and people of Loc Binh district have united, promoted its potentials and strengths, achieved and exceeded 21/21 targets set out by the Resolution of the 22nd Party Congress.

During the term,  the implementation of the Central Resolutions on renovation, the streamlined organizational structure of the political system, effective operation has been outstanding. The district has arranged to reduce 8 professional departments, public institute units, 10 school pairs,  48 villages, 8 commune-level administrative units, 12 branches of party committee.

The economy of the district continues to develop with an average annual growth rate of 9.35%. The annual budget revenue in the province has all exceeded the estimate assigned by the province, an average increase of 32% per year and 17% higher than the target set out in the resolution.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council delivered a speech at the Congress

In the fields of culture and society, many outstanding results has been achieved such as 16 schools meeting national standards, bringing the total number of schools meeting national standards of the whole district to 30 schools; 100% of communes and townships meet the national set of criteria for commune health; the poverty rate decreases 3.47% per year on average.

During the term, the District Party Committee recruited 1,142 members. The percentage of party members who successfully completed tasks or higher reached 92.4%. The rate of party organizations that successfully complete the tasks or more reaches 95.45%.

Delegates to vote for the Executive Committee of the District Party Committee, term 2020 – 2025

The Congress has analyzed and evaluated the achieved results and limitations in the 2015-2020 term; agreed on the directions, goals and tasks for the term 2020 – 2025 with 25 targets, 6 groups of key tasks, 3 breakthrough stages.

Speaking at the Congress, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee recognized and praised the achievements that the Party Committee, the government and people of all ethnic groups in Loc Binh district achieved in the past term.

He also requested that in the coming time, Loc Binh district will focus on mobilizing and efficiently exploiting resources to promote the development of agriculture, border-gate economy, trade, services, tourism, creating a driving force for quick and sustainable economic development. The district should actively and proactively coordinate with provincial departments and branches to implement the project of eco-tourism complex, Mau Son cable car to put it into operation soon.

The Executive Committee of the District Party Committee, term 2020 – 2025 presented themselves to the Congress

With the characteristics of a border district, Loc Binh needs to pay attention to closely combining socio-economic development with ensuring national defense and security, building a border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development; both comprehensively developing socio-cultural fields, preserving the national cultural identity while ensuring political security, social order and safety, improving the effectiveness of foreign affairs, and solving problems arising on the border, goods clearance. The district needs to build a streamlined government at district and commune levels, improving operational capacity and implementing tasks effectively, especially post-merged communes; improve leadership capacity and fighting strength of the entire party, building a clean and strong Party.

The Congress elected the Executive Committee of the District Party Committee for the term 2020-2025; elected the delegation to attend the 17th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 – 2025. Mr. Nguyen Dang An, Secretary of the District Party Committee  2015-2020 term was relected to hold the position of District Secretary for the 2020 term. – 2025.