Friday,  09/20/2024

The Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council held the regular session in August

(LSO) – On the morning of August 13, Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council chaired the session of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council in August 2020 to evaluate the results of the 17th and 18th sessions of the 16th Provincial People’s Council; implementing the working program in August 2020.

Attending the session was Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.

According to the evaluation report, the 17th and 18th sessions of the 16th Provincial People’s Council completed the proposed content and program. At the 17th session, the Provincial People’s Council passed 14 regular and thematic resolutions, giving opinions on 26 socio-economic and state budget reports, 14 statements of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee, 42 speeches discussing various fields. At the 18th session – the thematic session, the Provincial People’s Council passed five resolutions on cadre work.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council concluded the session.

At the session, the delegates discussed and commented on the draft plan of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council on inspecting the implementation of some resolutions of the Provincial People’s Council for the term 2016-2021, and proposals of committees of the Provincial People’s Council about the session of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Council, hearing the explanation of the contents about the economy – society.

Concluding the session, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council acknowledged the efforts of the Provincial People’s Council’s committees, the Provincial People’s Committee, departments and sectors in coordinating to prepare, be proactive and unify the content of the session program with carefulness, quality and high results. The meeting with voters after sessions has had many changes, close to reality, bringing the contents of the resolutions of the Provincial People’s Council to life.

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council asked the committees of the Provincial People’s Council to actively coordinate with relevant departments and agencies closely to prepare the contents of the Provincial People’s Council’s sessions with focus, democracy and regulations. At the same time, it is required to continue to implement quality voter meetings in line with the actual situation.

Regarding the tasks in August, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council agreed on the organization of inspecting the implementation of the resolutions of the Provincial People’s Council. He assigned the Office of the Provincial People’s Council to review inspection contents to propose suitable members, develop a specific inspection plan in the fourth quarter, select appropriate inspected subjects, inclusively reflect the socio-economic sectors in the province.