Friday,  09/20/2024

Young people in the province are honored and proud to join the military service

– After the happy days of spring, welcoming the Lunar New Year 2022, together with the youth of the country, the youth of Lang Son were enthusiastic and eager to enlist in the military service. In that moment, on all the roads from the province to the districts, cities and communes, wards and towns, colorful flags and flowers, mixed with throbbing drums, urged young people to step firmly on the road to perform the sacred duty to the nation.

On February 16 (January 16 of the Year of the Tiger), in 11 districts and city in the province simultaneously held military handover ceremonies, sending off elite citizens on their way to perform military service and public security service in 2022.

Colonel Le Van Ben, Political Commissar of the Military Command of the province said: In the atmosphere of joy and excitement, the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province; Leaders of departments, agencies, sectors and mass unions of the province have come to districts and city to visit, encourage young people, showing their confidence in today’s young generation in the cause of building and defending the nation.

Lang Son City Medical Center staff examines young people to perform military service in 2022

This year, the whole province has 1,250 citizens going to perform the military service and 244 citizens participating in the public security service. This time, there were 214 young people who volunteered to join the military service (an increase of 3 young people compared to 2021) and 672 young people who were recruited were trained in Party awareness before joining the army (an increase of 89 young people compared to the 2021).

In terms of age, citizens enlisted in the military service from 18 to 25 years old (age from 18 to 20 accounts for more than 80%); the level of education in grade 12 accounts for nearly 80%. Military agencies at all levels have coordinated with grassroots organizations and mass organizations to understand and capture the thoughts, feelings, economic circumstances, aspirations of families and the youth themselves. Thereby, ensuring 100% of young people recruited to join the army this time meet the standards and conditions in terms of health, education, and political background.

In the past time, along with activities to celebrate the Party, the spring, and the renewal of the country, the Party committees, authorities, unions, military agencies, family, relatives, friends and neighbors have cared, encouraged, and expressed their trust in their children in joining the military service, striving to fulfill their responsibilities for the Party, State and People. Mr. Hoang Van Quyet, from Khanh Khe commune, Van Quan district excitedly shared: I have a son named Hoang Quoc Viet, born in 2003 that was recruited to serve in the People’s Police service. I am much honored, proud, trusting and expecting my child; I hope he will try to study, practice, strictly abide by the discipline and regulations of the force, strive to become a real solid police soldier, dedicating to society.

Lang Son city is the economic and political center of the province and is one of the leading units doing well in recruiting soldiers. This year, the city has the target of recruiting 100 citizens to join the army; there are 55 selected citizens who write a volunteer application to join the army. Having the opportunity to meet young people before going to the army, listening to them share their thoughts and aspirations, we clearly feel the ideal of life and the youthful enthusiasm of young people with the desire to become a “Uncle Ho” soldier. At the exchange and meeting with young people before going to the army of Dong Kinh ward, Lang Son city, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Duy, Vice Chairman of Dong Kinh Ward People’s Committee said This year, Dong Kinh ward has the target of recruiting 15 young people to join the army, 100% of the young people who are recruited, wrote volunteer applications. The young volunteers all promised to do their best to emulate, study, train, strictly observe the military discipline, and strive to become revolutionary soldiers, worthy of being members of the reliable force of the Party, State and People.

Leaders of Dong Kinh ward, Lang Son city give gifts to young people enlisting in the military service in 2022

In the eager, joyful and excited atmosphere of the recruits, young man Do Quoc Hao, on behalf of the young men who were recruited to join the army of Dong Kinh ward, expressed: “We are young people who study and live in a peaceful environment like today thanks to the merits of the previous generations. I and the young men who have been recruited this time are always aware of our responsibility to the nation, so we wrote a volunteer application to enlist in the army and promised to be determined to study and practice to become a revolutionary soldier, worthy of the title “Uncle Ho’s Soldiers”.

In order to make the atmosphere of the ceremony to see off young people on their way to the army solemn, safe, joyful and healthy, the preparation of facilities, construction of the ceremony and the implementation of the rituals were carried out by specialized agencies coordinated with military units to prepare fully, thoughtfully, closely, showing solemnity during the ceremony.

In this batch of military handover, young people who have been recruited to join the army will study and train at the following units: General Department of Technology – Ministry of National Defense; 575th Engineer Brigade, General Staff, Artillery Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division – 1st Military Region; National Shooting Range Area 1; Northeast Mobile Police Regiment, Mobile Police Command and Provincial Border Guard Command.

From the attention of the Party committees and authorities at all levels, the active and synchronous participation of the departments, sectors and mass organizations from the province to the grassroots, the consensus response of the people from all walks of life and the enthusiasm of the youth, the ceremony to soldiers to send soldiers to enlist in the military service in 2022 in localities in the province was ensured safety and successfully.