Friday,  09/20/2024

Leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee work with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

– On February 22, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, worked with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the implementation of key tasks in 2021 and the implementation plan of key tasks in 2022.

 According to the report of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in the past year, the unit has completed 9 key tasks assigned by the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee, reaching the rate of 100%. However, there are still 3 regular tasks assigned by the Provincial People’s Committee that got delayed.

Public Administration Reform ranking results in 2021 of the unit ranked 11th out of 20 departments and sectors; District and Department Competitiveness Index (DDCI) ranked 21/24.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, delivered a speech at the meeting.

Culture, Sports, Tourism and family activities are organized safely, economically, in accordance with the conditions of disease prevention and control, meeting the needs of the people’s spiritual life.

Regarding the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage values, the department advised the Provincial People’s Committee to approve 3 projects on cultural heritage; ranked 5 provincial-level relics, submitted to rank 1 national-level relic.

Tourism promotion and development are being implemented by the sector… In 2021, the total number of tourists to Lang Son is estimated to reach over 1.6 million (up 1.2% compared to 2020). For the organization of physical training and sports competitions at all levels, 190/200 communes, wards, towns and 4/11 districts and city have held the competitions.

In 2022, the unit identifies 7 key tasks such as strengthening the implementation of the restoration of monuments in the area; continue to well implement the projects of the Provincial People’s Committee, the resolution of the Provincial People’s Council on Culture, Sports and Tourism which has been approved; planning to reopen tourism activities in the new situation; preparing for the 9th Sports Competition in 2022; implementing the Scheme on establishment, building and development of Lang Son Geopark and preparing a draft dossier and management plan for submission to UNESCO, improving the District and Department Competitiveness Index (DDCI)…

At the meeting, leaders of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and representatives of divisions, sectors and units under the department proposed and recommended a number of contents such as investment budget sources for cultural and sports institutions under the approved scheme and equipment, transportation and facilities at the units under the department; focusing on approving the implementation of the “Program on digital transformation of the library sector by 2025, with orientation to 2030”; proposing the Provincial Steering Committee to consider delaying the organization of the opening ceremony of the Provincial Sports Competition …

Concluding the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged the efforts and results achieved by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism over the past time. He also agreed with the proposal of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism on adjusting the time to hold the opening ceremony of the provincial sports competition to August 2022.

The Vice chairman requested: In the coming time, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism should focus on directing and implementing the key tasks assigned by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee; strengthening leadership, direct divisions and sectors to implement professional tasks, ensuring efficiency, transparency, timely; well implement the democratic regulations, improve discipline, administrative discipline and advise on the development of documents, programs and plans of the Provincial People’s Committee.

He also asked the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to well implement Directive No. 01/CT-UBND, dated January 5, 2021 of the Provincial People’s Committee on “Tightening discipline, strengthening responsibility, taking drastic action, creating breakthroughs” and Decision 299/QD-BVHTTDL dated February 17, 2022 on the topic “Building a grassroots cultural environment and staff organization”.

At the same time, the Department needs to urgently overcome the limitations and shortcomings after inspection and examination; well promote cultural heritage values and cultural institutions; soon complete the street name data bank and urge the districts and city to complete the organization of grassroots sports competition before June 30, 2022; develop documents guiding districts and city to open tourism and services.

At the same time, it is necessary to renew the content and form of activities of the museum, library, and the provincial Center of Culture and Art; improve the quality of community tourism; have a plan to open the door for safe tourism; do well the state management in the field of Culture, Sports and Tourism; administrative reform, solidarity to perform well the assigned tasks.