Friday,  09/20/2024

Bac Son: Breakthrough in the development of transport infrastructure

– With the goal of developing rural transport in order to create connection, continuity and smoothness to promote socio-economic development in the area, over the years, Bac Son district has mobilized and integrated all sources for investment in the development of rural transport infrastructure.

According to the review data, in early 2021, after merging administrative boundary units, the traffic infrastructure system of Bac Son district has a total of 1,104,215 km, of which, 35.5 km is the national highway; 25.3 km is provincial road; 119.8 km is district road; 15,115 km is inner city road; 276.24 km is communal road; 251.93 km of village road; 273 km neighboring road; 107.33 km of inland road.

In addition to national highways and provincial roads, which have been 100% hardened, the harderning proportion of the system of district, commune, village and neighboring road is also quite high compared to other districts and city in the province. In which, 9 district roads equivalent to 98.6/119.8 km have been invested to solidify, accounting for 82%; 163.4/276.2 km of communal road have been hardened, equivalent to 59.16%, 138.4/251.9 km of the village road have been hardened, equivalent to 55% and 142.8/273 km in the system of neighboring road have been hardened, reaching the rate of 52.3%.

People in Chien Thang commune, Bac Son district harden the village road

Mr. Hoang Thanh Binh, Head of Economic – Infrastructure Division of Bac Son district said: “One of the key tasks of the district in the period 2021 – 2025 is to strive to harden an additional 185.2 km of rural roads of all types to meet the development requirements of rural areas in the new situation. Therefore, the solution that has been implemented by the district is to mobilize maximum resources and integrate capital sources to achieve the set targets. In particular, the district is continuing to encourage people to contribute their resource according to the method of “people build, the State supports” and “the State invests, people build”.”

For example, Tan Tri commune, formerly one of the communes with particularly difficult traffic infrastructure in Bac Son district, however, with the support of the State and the people’s efforts, the system of commune’s transport infrastructure has been gradually improved.

According to statistics, the whole commune has a total of 110.5 km of rural roads of all kinds, of which the communal road is 45.3 km long; the neighboring road is 31.9 km long and the village road is 33.3 km long. Through the review, by the beginning of 2021, the proportion of roads to be hardened is 30.1 km, equivalent to 27.2% of the total length of the routes. From 2021 and the first 3 months of 2022, with the support of the district and the people’s efforts, the whole commune has hardened 2.6 km of roads of all kinds, particularly, in 2021, 2.1km of road was built, people contributed 200 million VND to buy materials for road construction; In the first 3 months of 2022, 500 m has been solidified with 60 million VND in cash donated by the people.

Mr. Duong Cong Soan, Chairman of Tan Tri Commune People’s Committee said: “The commune’s goal in 2022 is to harden another 2 km, currently the commune is continuing to encourage the people to contribute resources for implementation. At the same time, the commune has also actively cleared the ground to build Tan Tri – Nghinh Tuong road with a length of nearly 8 km. The commune’s goal is that in the period of 2022 – 2025, 15.5 km of village and neighboring road will be hardened. This target has been approved by the district to support the commune to implement in the coming years.”

Not only in Tan Tri commune but in many other extremely difficult communes such as Tan Huong, Nhat Hoa, Tan Thanh, Van Thuy, Tran Yen, the movement to harden rural roads has achieved very positive results in the way that the State supports and the people build.

Depending on people’s effort and calling for resources and capital, in 2021 and the first 3 months of 2022, the whole Bac Son district has hardened 41.7 km of rural road; People contributed nearly 4.8 billion VND in cash to build the road. In which, in 2021, the people contributed 3.2 billion VND, in the first 3 months of 2022, 1.6 billion VND was contributed. In addition, from the beginning of 2021 until now, Bac Son district has mobilized about 80 billion VND to harden district roads with a total length of 15 km in order to connect continuous traffic between communes in the district.

As a result, the district’s transport infrastructure system has made remarkable improvements, the rural appearance changes day by day. It is known that by mid-March 2022, according to the review, Bac Son district is the unit with the largest number of communes meeting traffic standards among districts in the province with 10/17 communes meeting the criteria, equivalent to 58.8 % of communes that have met the standards according to the new administrative unit after the merger.