Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial leader inspect key projects in districts: Dinh Lap, Loc Binh and Cao Loc

Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a conclusion at the inspection of key transport infrastructure works

On June 2, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected the implementation of the key project of the renovation and upgrade national Highway 4B, section km 3 to km 18 in Cao Loc and Loc Binh districts and Khau Ban-Con Quan-Na Lua road, Dinh Lap district.

Construction work to renovate and upgrade National Highway 4B, section from km 3 to km 18, started in April 2021 and is expected to be completed in 2024. The project has a total investment of more than 988 billion VND, of which the value of construction and installation nearly 637 billion VND. By the end of May 2022, the value of construction and installation volume reached 138 billion VND, equivalent to 21% of the plan.

In terms of site clearance, the districts have handed over 68/93 hectares of land, paying nearly 140 billion VND for compensation for households. At the same time, currently, Loc Binh and Cao Loc districts are focusing on site clearance for  2nd construction item of the resettlement area to serve the relocation of affected households.

For the road project Khau Ban – Con Quan – Na Lua, Dinh Lap district, the total length of the main road and branch is 19.7 km. The project has a total investment of more than 260 billion VND, of which the construction cost is 105 billion VND. The project started construction in January 2021, is expected to be completed in early 2023. Regarding the implementation progress, the project has completed the site clearance work, the contractors have built iteratively with the estimated implementation value of 87.6/105 billion VND.

The investor reported to the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation on the implementation of the items in the project of renovation and upgrading of National Highway 4B.

At the meeting, the representative of the investor and the contractors proposed to the Provincial People’s Committee to remove difficulties and obstacles in the site of waste dump sites, embankment mines to assist in speeding up the construction and installation of items; districts urgently relocate technical infrastructure works such as power lines, telecommunications cables; speed up the construction of resettlement areas. Representatives of functional sectors suggested that contractors need to have specific solutions for construction of items to ensure quality progress in association with environmental sanitation and disaster prevention.

Concluding at the inspection, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: These are large transport infrastructure projects with great impact to promote socio-economic development of the province, during the implementation process, the units participating in the project have made many efforts to overcome difficulties so that the project can be implemented as planned. However, the implementation progress of the work items has not met the requirements, some contractors are slow to execute.

In order to quickly complete the project and promote its effectiveness, the Chairman asked Loc Binh and Cao Loc districts to speed up the site clearance. In which, continuing to focus on propaganda to mobilize people to hand over the site, associated with speeding up the construction of the resettlement area to arrange new accommodation for the affected households.

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the delegation inspect the construction site of the road and Ban Lim bridge, Gia Cat commune.

For the difficulties and problems in ground clearance related to the location of waste dumps and embankment mines, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested: For the location in the planning, the People’s Committees of the districts follow the process. For unsuitable locations, the investor makes an agreement with the households to speed up the site clearance. Regarding the cases of building houses on agricultural land, the districts: Loc Binh and Cao Loc need to accurately review each case and report it to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and settlement.

For construction and installation at the National Highway 4B renovation and upgrade project, contractors are required to take advantage of favorable weather to speed up the construction and installation of items, during the construction process, measures must be taken to ensure traffic and environmental sanitation.

For the road project Khau Ban-Con Quan-Na Lua, currently the volume is quite good, but due to heavy rains and floods that happened recently, some road surfaces in package 1 have been eroded, therefore, the contractor needs to take remedial measures.

The investor and functional departments will strengthen inspection and urge the construction to ensure the quality and progress of the works according to the approved design.